“A Country Doctor” is a captivating masterpiece by Franz Kafka, brimming with surrealism and absurd situations that will keep you intrigued until the last page.
Download your free PDF copy of “A Country Doctor” now and immerse yourself in the fascinating world created by Kafka. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to enjoy this classic work.
Explore the dark labyrinths of the human mind and delve into existential dilemmas through “A Country Doctor.”
A Country Doctor in PDF
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- Author: Franz Kafka.
- Publication Date: 1919.
- Main Characters:
- The country doctor: A physician who encounters absurd and surreal situations while making an emergency visit to a sick patient on a winter night.
- Rosa: The doctor’s maid. The sick patient: A young man with a deep wound teeming with worms.
- The mysterious fiancé: A lad who appears in the stable and provides the doctor with two magnificent horses to take him to his patient’s house.
- Brief Summary: A country doctor finds himself in a series of surreal situations while trying to reach a sick patient on a winter night. Despite facing obstacles and strange events, the doctor ultimately finds himself condemned.
- Thematic Analysis: “A Country Doctor” addresses themes such as absurdity, powerlessness, and individual alienation in an irrational world. Franz Kafka presents a hopeless view of human existence and questions the individual’s ability to make meaningful decisions in a chaotic environment.
- Historical Context: “A Country Doctor” was written by Kafka in 1917 and published in 1919. It reflects the atmosphere of discontent and alienation prevailing in early 20th-century Europe, marked by World War I and significant social and political changes.
Franz Kafka Books
This is our complete collection of Franz Kafka’s books in PDF.