“A Winter Amid the Ice” is a captivating adventure novel written by Julio Verne. Immerse yourself in the thrilling story of an expedition trapped in the icy landscapes of Greenland.
Download “A Winter Amid the Ice” in PDF format for free now and enjoy this exciting literary work. Embark on a reading full of intrigue and discover the fate of the brave characters.
Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the unparalleled prose of Julio Verne and live a unique literary experience. “A Winter Amid the Ice” will transport you to a world of dangers, survival, and courage.
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- Author: Jules Verne.
- Publication Date: 1855.
- Main Characters:
- Jean Cornbutte: Father of Louis Cornbutte, the main character.
- Louis Cornbutte: Protagonist, son of Jean Cornbutte.
- Marie: Fiancée of Louis Cornbutte, niece of Jean Cornbutte.
- Supporting characters: Gervique, Gradlin, Herming (Norwegian), Jocki (Norwegian), Fidèle Misonne, Pierre Nouquet, Penellan, Alain Turquiette, Aupic, André Vasling, The priest.
- Brief Summary: “A Winter Amid the Ice” tells the story of a rescue expedition where the main characters, equipped with fur coats and dog sleds, find themselves trapped in the frozen landscapes of Greenland.
- Thematic Analysis: “A Winter Amid the Ice” explores themes such as the search for a loved one, the struggle for survival in an extreme environment, and betrayal. Through the story of Captain Louis Cornbutte, Verne delves into the power of love and determination in adverse situations as the characters face challenges in the icy landscapes of the Arctic.
- Historical Context: Published in 1855, “A Winter Amid the Ice” is set in a period when Arctic exploration sparked great interest in society. The book reflects the era’s fascination with discoveries and polar expeditions, captivating readers’ imaginations with its detailed descriptions of landscapes and the challenges faced by the characters.