The timeless epic of ancient Rome, Virgil’s ‘Aeneid,’ captivates with its epic tale of love and war. Immerse yourself in a world full of heroes and gods, where courage and passion intertwine on every page.
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Discover why ‘Aeneid’ has left an indelible mark on literary history. In every word, you will find emotion, wisdom, and Virgil’s poetic expertise. Don’t miss the chance to experience this wonderful work that has inspired generations.
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- Author: Virgil.
- Publication Date: 19 BCE.
- Main Characters:
- Aeneas: A Trojan hero and the protagonist of the story. His role is that of the founder of Rome and leader of the exiled Trojans.
- Dido: The queen of Carthage, who falls in love with Aeneas and plays a significant role in the plot.
- Turnus: The king of the Rutulians and the main antagonist of Aeneas. He fights against him in the war for Lavinia.
- Brief Summary: The “Aeneid” narrates the adventures of Aeneas, a Trojan prince, after the fall of Troy. Guided by the gods in his quest for a new homeland, Aeneas, after facing numerous obstacles, reaches Italy. There, he becomes involved in a war for Lavinia, the daughter of King Latinus, and ultimately founds the city of Rome.
- Thematic Analysis: The “Aeneid” addresses themes such as destiny, piety, heroism, and the conflict between personal duties and duties to one’s homeland. It also explores the relationship between gods and mortals, and the mythical construction of Roman history.
- Historical Context: The “Aeneid” was written by Virgil in the context of the Roman Empire and under the sponsorship of Emperor Augustus. The work is considered a national epic of Rome and was crafted to glorify the history and origins of Rome, establishing a connection between the Trojans and the Romans.