“An Antarctic Mystery” is a captivating adventure novel set in the majestic South Pole. Discover the hidden mysteries within the vastness of the glaciers and immerse yourself in a lost world full of excitement and suspense.
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Let yourself be seduced by Julio Verne’s masterful prose and join this unforgettable polar expedition. “An Antarctic Mystery” will transport you on an epic journey full of intrigue and fascinating discoveries.
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- Author: Jules Verne.
- Publication Date: 1897.
- Main Characters:
- Jeorling: American mineralogist.
- Captain Len Guy: Commander of the schooner Halbrane.
- Dick Peters: Indigenous companion of Pym.
- Brief Summary: The story follows Jeorling, who joins the crew of the schooner Halbrane in search of the missing Pym in the South Pole. They discover clues confirming the truth of Arthur Gordon Pym’s narrative and face challenges while exploring icy landscapes and mysterious mountains.
- Thematic Analysis: “An Antarctic Mystery” combines elements of lost world, adventure fiction, fantasy literature, travel novel, sea adventure novel, and science fiction, highlighting polar exploration, the search for survivors, and hidden secrets in the ice.
- Historical Context: “An Antarctic Mystery” was published in 1897, a time when polar exploration sparked great interest. Julio Verne uses the setting of the South Pole and Antarctica to provide an imaginative vision of the frozen lands and the challenges faced by explorers in those inhospitable territories.