“Around the Moon” is a fascinating science fiction novel written by Jules Verne. Immerse yourself in an exciting space journey to our natural satellite and discover the secrets that await on its surface.
Download “Around the Moon” in PDF format for free right now and dive into this thrilling literary adventure. Enjoy the convenience of reading this classic from any device.
Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the imaginative world of Jules Verne and explore the mysteries of the Moon. “Around the Moon” will captivate you with its immersive narrative and transport you to an unforgettable journey full of exploration and astonishing discoveries.
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- Author: Jules Verne.
- Publication Date: 1870.
- Main Characters:
- Michel Ardan: A bold adventurer and enthusiast of space travel.
- J.T. Maston: A prominent scientist and member of the Gun Club.
- Captain Nicholl: A former artilleryman of the American Civil War and member of the Gun Club.
- Brief Summary: “Around the Moon” is the sequel to “From the Earth to the Moon.” Michel Ardan, J.T. Maston, and Captain Nicholl are launched into space aboard a giant space projectile. During their journey, they face challenges and uncover the mysteries of space, ultimately orbiting the Moon before returning to Earth.
- Thematic Analysis: “Around the Moon” addresses themes such as space exploration, adventure, friendship, and human curiosity. Jules Verne explores the possibility of traveling beyond Earth’s boundaries and portrays the bravery and determination of the characters to confront the unknown.
- Historical Context: “Around the Moon” was published in 1870, at a time when scientific and technological advances were sparking interest in space exploration. The novel reflects the era’s fascination with the possibility of traveling to the Moon and the competition among nations to achieve new scientific and technological milestones.