“Crito” by Plato is a philosophical dialogue that will transport you to ancient Athens, exploring the ethical dilemmas and crucial decisions faced by Socrates.
Download a free PDF copy of “Crito” by Plato now and delve into a story full of intrigue and reflection.
Immerse yourself in the pages of this classic to discover how Socrates defends his principles and challenges us to examine our own convictions.
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- Author: Plato.
- Publication Date: Around 399 B.C.
- Main Characters:
- Socrates: Philosopher.
- Criton: Friend and follower of Socrates.
- Brief Summary: “Crito” is a dialogue that takes place in the prison of Athens, where Socrates awaits his execution. Criton tries to persuade Socrates to escape, but Socrates argues that it is unjust to disobey the laws of the city despite the circumstances.
- Thematic Analysis: “Crito” explores themes such as obedience to the law, justice, morality, and the acceptance of the consequences of our actions.
- Historical Context: “Crito” is set in Athens during the classical period of ancient Greece. This dialogue reflects the trial and death sentence of Socrates, who was accused of corrupting the youth and disrespecting the city’s gods. It is a work that showcases the philosophy and thinking of Plato, as well as the influence of Socrates on Athenian society.
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