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Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes [PDF]

Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes is a masterpiece of classical literature that has endured through the centuries. It is a story that combines adventure, comedy, and reflection, transporting readers to a world full of imagination and valor.

Download and immerse yourself in the fascinating tale of Don Quixote of La Mancha in PDF format, completely free. Experience the adventures of the knight-errant and his loyal squire Sancho Panza as they battle windmills and face unexpected challenges.

Don’t miss the opportunity to embark on this captivating and enlightening read. Discover why Don Quixote of La Mancha has been considered one of the most important works in universal literature.

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Information Don Quixote

  • Author: Miguel de Cervantes​​.
  • Publication Date: First part in 1605, second part in 1615.
  • Main Characters:
    • Don Quixote: A deluded nobleman who becomes a wandering knight.
    • Sancho Panza: A peasant who becomes Don Quixote’s loyal squire.
    • Dulcinea del Toboso: The supposed lady loved by Don Quixote, who is actually imaginary.
    • Rocinante: Don Quixote’s old and skinny horse.
    • The priest and the barber: Two characters who try to help Don Quixote.
  • Brief summary: Don Quixote, inspired by chivalric books, decides to become a wandering knight and fight against injustice. Accompanied by his loyal squire Sancho Panza, they embark on various adventures where Don Quixote confuses reality with fantasy. Despite his defeats and misadventures, Don Quixote remains steadfast in his idealism and defends honor and justice.
  • Thematic analysis: “Don Quixote de la Mancha” is a work that addresses themes such as madness and reality, the search for identity, criticism of romantic ideals, and reflection on literature itself. Miguel de Cervantes uses the figure of Don Quixote to question social conventions and explore the relationship between imagination and sanity.
  • Historical context: “Don Quixote de la Mancha” was published during a transitional period in Spanish history known as the Golden Age. During this period, Spain experienced a cultural and literary flourishing, and Miguel de Cervantes became a prominent figure in Spanish literature. The work reflects the society and values of the time, as well as the tensions between reality and romantic idealization.