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Godfrey Morgan by Jules Verne [PDF]

“Godfrey Morgan” by Julio Verne is an exciting literary adventure that will transport readers to an island full of mysteries and challenges.

Download a free PDF copy of “Godfrey Morgan” right now and delve into the fascinating story of a group of castaways struggling to survive in a hostile environment.

“Godfrey Morgan” will captivate you with its immersive narrative and unforgettable characters. From the first chapter, you will be drawn in by the intrigue and excitement that unfold on every page.

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Information Godfrey Morgan

  • Author: Jules Verne​​.
  • Publication Date: 1882.
  • Main Characters:
    • Godfrey: A young castaway on what seems to be a pristine island.
    • Tartelett: Dance professor and friend of Godfrey.
  • Brief Summary: Godfrey, the nephew of a merchant, finds himself castaway on what appears to be a pristine island. Alongside his friend Tartelett, he experiences various adventures while struggling to survive on the island and facing challenges such as food scarcity and the presence of predators.
  • Thematic Analysis: “Godfrey Morgan” combines elements of adventure and comedy, parodying the famous story of Robinson Crusoe. It also addresses themes such as shipwreck and the struggle for survival in a hostile environment.
  • Historical Context: “Godfrey Morgan” was published during the time when Julio Verne was writing his famous “Extraordinary Voyages.” The novel is set within the context of 19th-century adventure literature, exploring popular themes of the time and the fascination with travel and extreme situations.

Jules Verne Books

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