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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë [PDF]

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is a captivating masterpiece of classical literature. Jane Eyre will transport you to a world of passion and mystery.

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Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the pages of Jane Eyre and experience a captivating narrative full of emotions and reflections.

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Information Jane Eyre

  • Author: Charlotte Brontë​​.
  • Publication Date: 1847.
  • Main Characters:
    • Jane Eyre: Protagonist and narrator of the story, a young orphan with a strong personality.
    • Edward Rochester: The enigmatic owner of Thornfield Hall and Jane Eyre’s love interest.
    • Mrs. Reed: Jane’s aunt, a cold and cruel woman who mistreats her in her childhood.
    • St. John Rivers: A clergyman whom Jane encounters later in her life.
  • Brief Summary: Jane Eyre is a young orphan who grows up in a hostile environment under the care of her aunt, Mrs. Reed. After enduring numerous hardships, Jane becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her employer, Edward Rochester. However, the mansion conceals a dark secret that threatens her happiness and challenges her moral integrity.
  • Thematic Analysis: “Jane Eyre” addresses themes such as the search for identity, the struggle for independence and gender equality, as well as the conflict between love and morality. The novel also explores the importance of authenticity and personal integrity in Victorian society.
  • Historical Context: Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” was published in 1847, during the Victorian era in England. The novel challenged the social conventions of the time by presenting a strong and independent heroine who strives for her own destiny. Additionally, it addresses issues such as the position of women in society and the constraints imposed by social and religious norms. The work had a significant impact in its time and is considered a classic of English literature.