“Keraban the Inflexible” is a captivating adventure novel written by the acclaimed author Julio Verne. Immerse yourself in this exciting tale that narrates the story of a stubborn Turk and his challenging journey around the world.
Download “Keraban the Inflexible” in PDF format for free right now. Dive into its pages and let yourself be carried away by the intrigue, unexpected twists, and unforgettable characters that will make you live a unique literary experience.
Embark on a fascinating adventure with “Keraban the Inflexible” and discover how determination, bravery, and perseverance can overcome any obstacle.
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- Author: Jules Verne.
- Publication Date: 1883.
- Main Characters:
- Keraban: A wealthy Turkish merchant.
- Mokrin: A faithful servant of Keraban.
- Nizib: A Turkish guide.
- Vabiscón: A swindler who joins Keraban on his journey.
- Fatmé: Keraban’s fiancée.
- Yanar: A young Armenian who encounters Keraban on his journey.
- Brief Summary: Keraban, a stubborn Turkish merchant, embarks on a journey from Istanbul to Rouen, France. However, due to a series of unfortunate events, Keraban is forced to take a much longer and dangerous route. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but his stubbornness and determination lead him to overcome them and finally reach his destination.
- Thematic Analysis: “Keraban the Inflexible” addresses themes such as stubbornness, perseverance, and overcoming challenges. The story highlights the importance of determination and how it can lead a person to overcome any obstacle, even in difficult and adverse situations.
- Historical Context: “Keraban the Inflexible” was published in 1883, at a time when interest in travel and exploration was very popular. Additionally, the book reflects Julio Verne’s interest in the geography and culture of different countries, as he uses Keraban’s journey as an opportunity to describe and explore various regions and traditions.