“The Clock of Master Humphrey” is a captivating literary work written by the acclaimed author Charles Dickens. Immerse yourself in this fascinating story full of mystery and friendship.
Download a free PDF copy of “The Clock of Master Humphrey” now and enjoy this gem of classic literature. Dive into its pages and let yourself be carried away by its captivating universe.
Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the magic of “The Clock of Master Humphrey.” Its unforgettable characters and captivating narrative will transport you to a world full of emotions and profound reflections.
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- Author: Charles Dickens.
- Publication Date: 1840.
- Main Characters:
- Master Humphrey: solitary narrator and founder of the club.
- Jack Redburn: retired merchant.
- Owen Miles: club member.
- Mr. Pickwick: character from “The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.”
- Brief Summary: “Master Humphrey’s Clock” is a weekly magazine written by Charles Dickens. The story begins with Master Humphrey, a solitary man who founds a club where members read his writings. The magazine includes short stories and the novels “The Old Curiosity Shop” and “Barnaby Rudge,” intertwined with the lives of the club’s characters.
- Thematic Analysis: “Master Humphrey’s Clock” addresses themes such as friendship, loneliness, storytelling, and social criticism. Through the characters and stories, Charles Dickens reflects on the human condition and the inequalities of Victorian society.
- Historical Context: “Master Humphrey’s Clock” was published in the 19th century, during the Victorian era in England. Charles Dickens, renowned for his sharp social criticism, portrays the reality of the time and exposes injustices and inequalities through his literary works.