“Our Mutual Friend” is a captivating classic novel that immerses you in the intricate Victorian society. With a unique blend of psychological depth and social analysis, Charles Dickens transports you to a world where money and human values intertwine fascinatingly.
Download “Our Mutual Friend” in PDF format for free right now and immerse yourself in this literary masterpiece. Explore the twists and turns of the plot, meet unforgettable characters, and enjoy a reading that will keep you captivated from beginning to end.
Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in Charles Dickens’ masterful prose and discover the complexities of Victorian society through “Our Mutual Friend”.
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- Author: Charles Dickens.
- Publication Date: 1864-1865.
- Main Characters:
- John Harmon: Heir of the Harmon family, who apparently dies and adopts different identities to observe others’ reactions.
- Bella Wilfer: Young woman seeking inheritance, whose views on money change throughout the story.
- Nicodemus Boffin: Uncultured laborer who inherits a fortune and struggles to ascend socially.
- Henrietta Boffin: Wife of Nicodemus Boffin, seeks to lead a life she did not have in her past.
- Brief Summary: “Our Mutual Friend” tells the story of John Harmon, whose supposed death sets off a series of events involving inheritances, intrigues, and the complex Victorian society. Through characters like Bella Wilfer and Nicodemus Boffin, Charles Dickens explores human values and the impact of money on the society of the time.
- Thematic Analysis: “Our Mutual Friend” focuses on the interaction between money and human values, showing how money can influence relationships and affect the morality of the characters. Additionally, themes such as identity, the pursuit of happiness, and the social pressures surrounding the upper class are addressed.
- Historical Context: “Our Mutual Friend” was published in the 1860s, during the Victorian era in England. During this time, society was marked by strong social stratification and a growing concern for money and status. Charles Dickens takes advantage of this context to explore social inequalities and question the values of his contemporary society.