“The Landlady” is a captivating masterpiece by Fyodor Dostoevsky that will transport you to a world of intrigue and passion.
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- Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky.
- Publication Date: 1847.
- Main Characters:
- Vasily Mikhailovich Ordynov: A young man absorbed and obsessed by his love for Katerina, another man’s wife.
- Katerina: The wife of a gloomy husband, seen by Ordynov as a malevolent seer.
- Ilia Murin: A mysterious elder with clairvoyant powers and supposed lover of Katerina’s mother.
- Brief Summary: “The Landlady” is a novel set in St. Petersburg that follows the story of Vasily Ordynov and his obsession with Katerina, another man’s wife. As the plot unfolds, themes of love, fatalism, and Russian folklore are explored, while Ordynov struggles to free Katerina from her husband’s influence.
- Thematic Analysis: “The Landlady” delves into themes such as obsessive love, fatalism, and the struggle for individual freedom. Through Ordynov’s story and his obsession with Katerina, Dostoevsky examines human nature and the complexities of interpersonal relationships.
- Historical Context: “The Landlady” was published in 1847, during the period when Dostoevsky was beginning to establish himself as one of the great Russian writers. The novel reflects the influence of Russian folk tradition and the exploration of psychological and existential themes characteristic of Dostoevsky’s work.