

Intellectual Property Rights

Dailypresswetch.click is a Public Library and the books exhibited here have been found on the web, on public domain pages or shared by users who love reading and cultural institutions and organizations.

There are thousands of books that are in the public domain, some because they always were and others because they have become so over the years. The release of the works will depend on the country and its legislation.

At the same time that we defend the freedom of knowledge exchange, we respect intellectual property rights and current international laws. If your literary or investigative work has been shared on Dailypresswetch.click and you do not agree, you just have to complete the form at the bottom of the page requesting its withdrawal and we will do so within 48 hours.

At Dailypresswetch.click we search, find, organize and make available to users the materials found through their origin link. Dailypresswetch.click does not sell books or profit on the work of writers.

We are not responsible for the legality in terms of copyright of the indexed, displayed and / or shared materials since no file is protected with DRM (Digital Rights Management) being impossible to determine digitally if a book is subject to Copyright, for this we respond one by one to claims made directly to our website by manually removing the infringing material within 48 hours after receiving the claim.

If you are a publisher or an author and you want us to remove any literature from Dailypresswetch.click you can send us an individual link to each book for which you own the copyright or on behalf of the same and we will eliminate them as stipulated by law international within 48 hours.

Recommended Article: https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf