
10+ Chi Kung Books for Free! [PDF]

Most alternative therapies work with the body’s energy to restore its balance. Their conception of health is very different from that of conventional medicine, which focuses on curing diseases. We would like to introduce you to one of the most therapeutic forms of exercise in Chinese medicine, through our collection of Chi Kung books in PDF format, available for immediate download in this section of our virtual library.

This alternative Chinese therapy has been practiced for approximately 4000 years. Since then, it has been used as a complementary treatment. Its goal is energetic balancing to create physical and mental well-being.

Its name is a compound word, “Chi”, which means vital energy and “Kung”, which means work. Its principles are patience and concentration and in our Chi Kung books you can find more information about its origin, technique and fundamental principles.

Chi Kung is a therapy or therapeutic practice that combines movements, breathing and mental concentration to balance the body’s energy and thus prevent diseases, as well as generate general well-being. In this discipline the most important thing is to recover the vital energy that should not stagnate or accelerate too much, but flow harmoniously. Conscious movement and breathing work as a perfect dyad in Chi Kung.

It is based on philosophies such as Tao, Buddhism and Chinese medicine’s appreciation of the body. To master this healing art it is necessary to practice it regularly and receive guidance from an expert master. But, if you want to learn more about its techniques and other interesting information, we invite you to take a look at our more than 10 books on Chi Kung in PDF format.

Here we present our complete selection of Chi Kung books:

Tai Chi Nation - Guide to Qigong

Tai Chi Nation

Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Teacher Training Guide

Roger Jahnke

Tai Chi for beginners (Presentation)

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

A Student’s Manual of Qigong

Dr. Henry McCann

Tai Chi Dance of the Peaceful Warrior

Dave West

8 Powerful Ancient Qigong Exercises for Cultivating Healing Energy in the Body


Qigong for Health and Vitality

Paula Daunt

Qi Gong Exercises

Sunyata Meditation

Qigong Exercises for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Amy L. Putiri, Jacqueline R. Close, Harold Ryan Lilly, Nathalie Guillaume and Guan-Cheng Su

Meditative Movement, Energetic, and PhysicalAnalyses of Three Qigong Exercises: Unification ofEastern and Western Mechanistic Exercise Theory

Penelope Klein, George Picard, Joseph Baumgarden

Radiant Body Qi Gong

Michael Robbins

Introduction to Tai Chi and Qi Gong for Whole Health (Article)

Veterans Affairs

Qigong as a Mindful Exercise Intervention for People Living with Mental Ill Health

Chris Lloyd, H. Tsang, Frank P. Deane

Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Article)

Veterans Affairs

Medical Chi Kung in Energy Balance, Clinical Trial Randomized Study (Article)

Sousa Maria da Luz Rosário de, Gil Maria Lúcia Bressiani, Grillo Cássia Maria

Here ends our selection of free Chi Kung books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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