For Chinese culture, vital energy is present in everything that exists in the universe. It is composed of two opposing but complementary forces: “yin” and “yang”. The idea is to balance our vital energy in everything around us. This particular topic is what our collection of feng shui books in PDF format is all about. Especially if you are interested in filling your spaces with harmony, happiness and prosperity, you need to study this philosophy and method of organization.
Like many Chinese disciplines, philosophies and practices, feng shui is also millennia old. At first, it was related to the study of climatic, astrological and natural changes and how they influenced the “qi”, that is, the vital energy. Later, the concept was transferred to the creation of harmony in spaces through certain elements that allow the natural circulation of energy. With our feng shui books you will learn much more about its application and principles.
Feng shui is defined as the oriental philosophy and practice that investigates the flow of vital energy (“qi“) and whose main objective is to achieve its balance through the organization, distribution and decoration of everyday spaces, such as the office and home.
Feng shui has many aspects to contemplate, so studying them all requires time and preparation. Among the most important aspects it takes into account are: the presence of the four classical elements (fire, air, water and earth), colorimetry, the bagua map (orientation according to all the cardinal points), the shape and distribution of all objects.
Stay in this section of our virtual library and explore our more than 15 books on feng shui in PDF format, ready to download to your electronic devices.
Here we present our complete selection of Feng Shui books:
Recovering the Sense and Essence of Place: The Eastern Practice of Feng shui and its Role in Western Architecture
Kelly Wai Ying Lam
The Art of Feng Shui in the Specialty Retail Environment (Presentation)
Beth Cochran, Susan Hayward
Scientific Feng Shui Design for Wellbeing - How to Combine the HUman With the Environment
Sarah McAllister
Village Feng Shui Forests as Forms of Cultural and Ecological Heritage
Jianling Chen, Weiming Lin, Yaoqi Zhang
A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place: The Application of Feng Shui to Hotels
Ingrid Lin
Feng Shui: An Alternative Framework for Complexity in Design
Michael Y. MAK and S. Thomas NG
Sustainable Design and Feng Shui: A Case Study of an Office Building in Sydney
Mak, M.Y., Ge, J.X.
Architectural examination on Feng Shui Bedroom
Chen Wang, Wan Thing Hong, Hamzah Abdul-Rahman
Feng Shui in Modern House Design Searching for the Rationale and Possible Impacts Assessment (Article)
Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, Linda Octavia
Feng Shui: The Shape of Five Elements of Low Ti Kok Mansion (Article)
Chong Kai Zhen, & Azizi Bahauddin
Here ends our selection of free Feng Shui books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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