
5 Books on Animal Abuse for Free! [PDF]

Discover an eye-opening perspective on animal abuse with our free PDF books on this impactful topic.

Animal abuse is a heartbreaking reality that affects millions of living beings worldwide.

Here, you will find a selection of books that address this issue from different perspectives, ranging from abuse in the food industry to the challenges of protecting endangered species.

We invite you to delve into our virtual library, where you’ll find a variety of books that delve deep into the issue of animal abuse.

From scientific research to practical tips for promoting animal welfare, our collection covers a wide range of approaches and invites you to be part of the solution.

Download our free PDF books on animal abuse right now and start contributing to a more compassionate and just world for all creatures that share our planet.

Books on Animal Abuse in PDF

Exploring the Reasons People Abuse Animals

Barbara Bittinger

Exploring the Reasons People Abuse Animals by Barbara Bittinger is a dissertation that examines the motivations behind animal abuse. The study uses qualitative methods, interviewing professionals in veterinary medicine and law enforcement who have experience with animal abuse cases. The findings indicate that animal abuse often stems from a lack of animal welfare awareness and a connection between animal abuse and human violence.

Animal Cruelty

Kelly Dedel

Animal Cruelty by Kelly Dedel, is a guide addressing the problem of animal cruelty. It provides information on the types of animal cruelty, warning signs, prevalence, harms caused, and factors contributing to the issue.

A Common Bond: Maltreated Children and Animals in the Home

Mary Lou Randour

A Common Bond: Maltreated Children and Animals in the Home by Mary Lou Randour is a guideline document published in cooperation with the American Bar Association and The Humane Society of the United States. It explores the connection between maltreated children and animals in the home, providing recommendations for practice and policy. The document emphasizes the importance of recognizing animal abuse as a form of interpersonal violence and its correlation with child abuse.

Recognising abuse in animals and humans

Animal Welfare Foundation

Recognising abuse in animals and humans by Animal Welfare Foundation is a comprehensive guidance document for veterinary teams. It addresses the recognition of animal abuse, non-accidental injuries, and the importance of reporting such cases.

Animal Abuse, recognition & reporting

Ohio Veterinary Medical Association

Animal Abuse, recognition & reporting by the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association provides an overview of animal abuse recognition and reporting. It includes information on classifications of abuse, common presentations, documenting evidence, red flags, and sample reporting policies and forms.

Here ends our selection of free Animal Abuse books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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