Without a doubt, one of our most valued issues is that of animals. Whether for domestic or commercial use, animals deserve our respect and good treatment. For horse lovers and enthusiasts, we bring you our collection of horses books in PDF format, so you can learn everything you need to know about these unique creatures.
Horses are strong and sociable animals and to keep them healthy it is important to look after them properly. It is a great responsibility to conserve these animals, whatever their destiny or purpose. With our selection of horses books in PDF format, we hope to provide you with the information you need to keep them in good condition.
Wild horses are kept in herds and build a hierarchical order, led by the mare. When this happens, fights between them decrease. When we want to tame the horse it will be necessary to apply the correct techniques and there are experts who can help. A violent horse is clearly a danger.
The first thing to know is that equines need space to live, feed and exercise constantly. These places must be properly maintained to avoid disease. They can be a barn, a stable or a wooded area. The important thing is that the equine has space to move around and be protected from the weather. So this aspect should be analysed in the region.
As far as feeding is concerned, hay is the main feed for the horse and the amount depends on the size of the animal. If the place where the horse lives has a lot of green grass, it may not be necessary to give more feed. Hydration is also very important to keep them healthy.
It is also very important to take care of their coat, as it is an essential part of their attractiveness as an animal. A horse with a healthy coat looks majestic. It should be brushed frequently. It is also necessary to check its hooves to avoid injuries and provide it with constant physical exercise.
We hope that in this great collection of more than 15 books of horses in PDF format, you will find the content that you were looking for. Remember that downloading is fast and free.
Here we present our complete selection of Horses books:
Guide to good animal welfare practice for the keeping care training and use of horses
European Commission
Improving Horse Handler Communication Using Concepts of Learning Psychology Application to Ground Handling of Horses and Training Under Saddl (Article)
Angelo Telatin
The Horse as Cultural Icon The Real and the Symbolic Horse in the Early Modern World
Peter Edwards,Elspeth Graham
Here ends our selection of free Horses books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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