
15+ Books about Colors for Free! [PDF]

Do you want to know the importance of colors in our life? Check out our books on colors in PDF format. Colors are present in every aspect of our life. From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep.

Science has discovered that color has the power to calm us, irritate us, eliminate appetite, and even increase blood pressure. Used in the right way, it is a tool that can also save electricity consumption. Moreover, it is impossible to replace its function as a communicative resource.

On an emotional level, the link we have with colors is indisputable. Many idioms refer to how each color influences our feelings.

In Eastern culture, white refers to death, but in the West, it is the color of purity. Warm or cold, light or dark, each color hides a meaning that goes far beyond the marketing and advertising of our days.

If you want to master perfectly the way colors influence human life, we invite you to take a look at our collection of more than 15 books on colors in PDF format.

Here we present our complete selection of Books about Colors:

Understanding colour perception and preference

A. Hurlbert and Y. Ling

The Meaning Of Coloors

Herman Cerrato

Designing With Color (Article)

Ms. McKay's

Multi-disciplinary research in design (Article)

Amit K Sinha

Visual Design - Colour Theory (Presentation)

Ms. Shruti Hemani and Prof. Ravi Mokashi Punekar

Colour Information In Design

Seahwa Won

Color Psychology and Graphic Design Applications

Rose Rider

The Impact of Color on Visual Retention and Preference in Logo Design

Aaron Taylor Alexander

Color Theory I (Presentation)

Sunywcc 2d Design

Color Theory for Digital Media (Article)

Sharp School

Coloring your information (Article)

C. R. Lucius and A. Fuad

Investigation of Shapes and Colours as Elements of Character Design

Elise Fogelström

Emotion and colour perception: A psychoanalytical theory of graphic design in consumer of goods

E. Bankole Oladumiye and Odji Ebenezer

Color Theory 101

Faraz Ahmed

Historic Look on Color Theory

Steele R. Stokley

The Origins of Modern Color Science

J. D. Mollon

Here ends our selection of free books about Colors in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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