
15+ Furniture Design Books for Free! [PDF]

The furniture in a home or office is of vital importance to create an environment that is in harmony with the people who live there, as well as providing functionality, aesthetics and innovation. To learn more about this topic, we invite you to consult our selection of furniture design books in PDF format.

According to studies, it is said that more than 70% of customers buy furniture because of its design. This fact indicates the relevance of the designer’s work in the consumer’s decision process. It is an uncommon profession, but one that can have an interesting space in the market. That is why we encourage you to study it with our selection of furniture design books.

Furniture design is the profession that is responsible for designing, building and directing the different areas of design in the direction of developing innovative concepts. Currently, this study aims to improve the quality of life of customers, prioritizing the objects of everyday use.

When we talk about furniture or furnishings, we refer to a code of openness to change, of a particular style, of current trends, that works with existing elements giving them a new meaning. There are infinite possibilities in furniture design and the furniture designer is in charge of directing this work.

Furniture design professionals can do it in an industrial or artisanal way and make a previous research of the market, analyze trends and make decisions accordingly, sometimes they can also introduce changes and innovate with respect to what they find, giving it an aesthetic and artistic vision.

Do not miss our selection of more than 15 furniture design books in PDF format and download them for free on your electronic devices to study this interesting subject.

Here we present our complete selection of Furniture Design Books:

Furniture Dictionary

Bedroom Furniture Discounts

Office Furniture Standards

McGill University

Modular Smart Furniture System for Independent Living of Older Adults User Experience Study

Sari Merilampi,Anja Poberznik,Santeri Saari

A Practical Guide to Choosing the Right Furniture for your Library (Presentation)

Agati Furniture

Design of Furniture for Small Places Following Inclusive Design

Talia Serrano Salazar,Lucia Aspizua Saez,Dan Hogberg

A Guide to Good Design (Article)

Graham Blackburn

History of Furniture (Presentation)

Raul Pinto

A Study of Furniture Design Incorporating Living Organisms with Particular Reference to Biophilic and Emotional Design Criteria

Nurul Ayn Ahmad Sayuti,Carlos Montana Hoyos,Elivio Bonollo

Towards Zero Waste Furniture Design

Bongjin Koo,Jean Hergel,Sylvain Lefebvre

Ancient Egypt (Presentation)

Government Polytechnic College Adoor

Proposal for Classification of Furniture

World Intellectual Property Organization

Transformable Furniture (Presentation)

Ibynta B Tiewsoh,Purba Joshi,N Sadhu

Designing Effective Step By Step Assembly Instructions

Maneesh Agrawala,Doantam Phan,Julie Heiser

Joinery Handbook

Bjorn Nordin

Furniture design and product development principles considering end-of-life options and design for environment strategies

Mesut Uysal

Sustainable Practices in Furniture Design

Matthew S. Bumgardner and David L. Nicholls

Here ends our selection of free Furniture Design books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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