
15+ Sculpture Books for Free! [PDF]

The importance of sculpture goes far beyond the aesthetic or ornamental, it is part of the great heritage of humanity and, as such, deserves to be appreciated and studied. That motivated us to create this collection of Sculpture books in PDF format, to facilitate research on this charming plastic art.

Throughout history, there have been exponents of great relevance for this art, among them emblematic figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo. Learn by reading our sculpture books how these artists came to enchant both politicians and religious people with their carving and sculpture techniques.

Through sculpture, majestic works have been created, which for many centuries had ritual, religious or political purposes. Today, their purposes are more aesthetic and of appreciation of the work of art itself, under a conceptual work that structures it.

In general, sculpture is defined as the art of carving stone, sculpting, chiseling or molding forms through various materials. Among them are stone, metals, clay and resin. Today, however, the concept has expanded, making it more complex. Many artists, today, make assemblages and installations that are also considered, to a large extent, true sculptures.

Learn the techniques, materials, function and history of one of the most appreciated fine arts in previous centuries. And while it may not have the same meaning today, it is still a way of expressing an artist’s ideas and emotions. It’s time to repopulate museums with the best of current and historical sculpture.

We encourage you to review our more than 15 sculpture books available, free of charge, for your enjoyment and to expand your knowledge on this interesting subject.

Here we present our complete selection of Sculpture Books:

Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum

Los Angeles THE J. Paul Getty Museum

Conserving Outdoor Painted Sculpture

The Getty Conservation Institute Los Angeles

Polychrome Sculpture

Kate Seymour

Sculpture of the twentieth century

Museum of Modern Art

Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects

Giorgio Vasari

Technical Observations on the Sculptures from the Temple of Zeus at Olympia

John Younger, Paul Rehak

Soft Sculpture

Lucina Ward

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math

Steven Tobin

What is-Sculpture?

Irish Museum of Modern Art: IMMA

Artists and their Artworks


Art in our Midst: Columbus - African American Sculptors to Know

The Sculpture Center

Architectural sculpture

Tomasz Kozlowski

Unmasking a wild man: scientific analysis of Bertoldo di Giovanni’s Shield Bearer in The Frick Collection

Elena Basso, Federica Pozzi, Julia Day

The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures

Cinzia Di Dio, Emiliano Macaluso, Giacomo Rizzolatti

Italian Renaissance Sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Article)

Marietta Cambareri

Sculpture: Definition & Techniques (Article)

Arts At Trinity

Sculpture Vocaboulary (Article)

Sculpture Tour Eau Claire

Michelangelo’s David-Apollo (Article)

National Gallery of Art

Greek Sculpture

M.C.C. Edgar

Here ends our selection of free Sculpture books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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