
15+ Animal Biology Books for Free! [PDF]

The animal kingdom is extremely broad, with more than two million species. In view of this, it is superfluous to talk about the importance of its study and preservation for our planet. If you are interested in researching animals, we invite you to review our collection of books on animal biology in PDF format. There you will find relevant information about this discipline, its fundamental principles and conceptual framework.

Animal biology deals with the classification systems of species, according to their characteristics. This is a complex task due to the variety and large number of animals that exist on the planet. Find out what this classification consists of and how it is obtained by reading our animal biology books, which you can download immediately to your electronic devices.

This scientific discipline is responsible for studying and analyzing multicellular organisms that are recharged with energy by digesting food. To classify them, animal biology evaluates all aspects of the species, such as evolutionary, physiological, morphological, population, among others.

Animal biology, in turn, is divided into other sub-disciplines according to the type of animal. Also according to their behavior, relationship with the environment, geographical distribution and evolution over time. There is also a specialty that focuses on the reproduction of animals and their use as raw material to produce derivatives such as meat, milk or eggs, always ensuring the conservation of the species in question.

Nowadays, animal biology is of great importance due to the number of endangered species, as it can provide solutions to this and other problems related to threats to the ecosystems where the species live. Enjoy our compendium of more than 15 books on animal biology in PDF format, where you will find relevant information on this branch of science.

Here we present our complete selection of Animal Biology books:

Biology 2 Animal Diversity

Docteur Rabotovao Laurence

General Zoology

Stephen W. Ziser

Biol 1403: Animal Biology Laboratory Manual

Erica L. Wildy

A Beginner’s Guide to Animal Behavior

John A.Byers

The Animal Kingdom

Namibia University of Science and Technology

Clasification of Animals (Presentation)

All Saints Academy Dunstable

What are Vertebrate?

Hampton Junior School

The Vertebrates

Austin Community College District


The Houston Museum of Natural Science

Exploring the Field of Zoology

Zoological Society of Milwaukee

Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore (Presentation)

Plain Local Schools

Glossary - Zoology

Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

Carnivores (Article)

ACS Distance Education

Unit 11: Animals-Vertebrates (Article)

CEIP Ginés Morata

Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animal Structure Notes (Article)


Here ends our selection of free Animal Biology books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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