
35+ Ecology Books for Free! [PDF]

Maintaining a healthy planet with full life is one of the fundamental purposes of humanity in this century. In this sense, there is much that science can contribute, that is why we have created the collection of books on ecology in PDF format, to update our community interested in such a vital topic.

Biology has several branches that allow us to study the different forms of life on the planet. Learn with our ecology books the most essential aspects of one of these sub-disciplines, whose findings provide important data on how to preserve the fauna and flora of the Earth.

Ecology is the branch of biology that studies the relationship between different species and their relationship with the environment. The set of living organisms, their interaction with each other and with their habitat is called ecosystem.

Ecosystems maintain the balance, distribution and abundance of food and other resources indispensable for human life and that of other living organisms. In this sense, ecology focuses on them and their biotic and abiotic factors.

Biotic factors refer to the interaction between the living organisms that are part of the ecosystem. Abiotic factors are those that refer to the non-living elements of the ecosystem, such as climate, humidity, terrain, winds and sunlight.

Ecology is also responsible for studying the food chain, biogeochemical cycles and the productivity of ecosystems. This science provides essential information for the world’s environmental movements that ensure the proper safeguarding of resources and the optimal development of all forms of life on the planet.

Discover much more by taking a look at our more than 35 books on ecology in PDF format. There you will find relevant data that will help you in your studies and research on the subject.

Ecology and Environment Books

Ecology is the science in charge of studying the relationships between living organisms and the environment, which includes animals, plants and people. Through this interrelationship we can have a clear idea of how ecosystems should be for each species, and in turn how to maintain them.

Nowadays, ecology and the environment is a very important issue, because as technology advances and man expands his domains, damage to the habitat and the earth in general has been generated, which has been irreversible… For this reason, international communities have dedicated themselves to improving this situation.

Within its study, two factors are handled: biotic factors, which are the organic organisms, and abiotic factors, which refer to the sun, wind, climate, temperature, light, water, air, etc.

Basic concepts: nature, ecology, enviroment

University of Mumbai

Ecology and Environmental Health

Bruce A. Wilcox, Holly Jessop

Environmental Studies (Presentation)

PradnyaP. Nadkarni

The concept of ecology and enviroment (Article)

DSpace at VPM (Thane)

Population Ecology Books

Population ecology is the branch of ecology that studies the populations formed by organisms of the same species, their distribution in the ecosystem and their effect on it.

It encompasses research on all living organisms, from human beings and their expansion around the globe, to the smallest animal community; its emphasis is on analyzing their size, structure and life dynamics, in order to provide improvements that guarantee their survival.

Their scientific impact has contributed to the preservation of animals on the verge of extinction, where laws have been created to prohibit deforestation and occupation of the areas where they thrive, in order to maintain their reproduction and growth.

Ecology of populations and communities (Article)

Vladimir N. Bolshakov and Feodor V. Kryazhimskii

Concept of Population Ecology (Article)

Nida Tabassum Khan

Topic: Population Ecology (Article)

Anjana Singh

Plant Population Ecology (Presentation)

Western Oregon University

BIOL 410 Population and Community Ecology (Presentation)

University of Northern British Columbia

Microbial Ecology Books

Did you know that microorganisms are present everywhere? If your answer is no, let me tell you that even our hands are often full of these tiny creatures, so it is always advisable to wash your hands thoroughly.

However, these small organisms, imperceptible to the human eye, play an important role in the preservation of the environment. It may seem illogical but it is, their work is essential for life on earth, including ours.

Their decomposition function is very useful for the transformation of matter, intervening mainly in the geochemical cycles of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, iron and sulfur; they are also responsible for the destruction of the bacteria we have in our organism, greatly benefiting the immune system. The science in charge of studying their relationship with the environment is called microbial ecology.

Microbial Ecology

Nicolai S Panikov

Microbial Ecology

Ezeanya, Chinyere C.

Microbes in Ecology (Article)

Science Olympiad

The role of ecological theory in microbial ecology (Article)

James I. Prosser, Brendan J. M. Bohannan, Tom P. Curtis

Ecology Books for Children

Understanding that ecology is the science in charge of studying the relationship of living organisms with the environment that surrounds them, it is of vital importance that children can learn about it at an early age, since in the future they will be the ones who will preserve or destroy nature the most.

Education starts at home, so you can teach your children about it. Simple examples such as throwing garbage in its place, not killing insects, not damaging leaves, not plucking flowers, etc., serve to foster good environmental awareness.

Because of its necessity, ecology for children cannot be overlooked, so as a responsible parent you should document yourself in order to help your children in this important task, which by the way belongs to everyone.

Mr. Hall’s 7th Grade Ecology Flexbook

Kenneth Hall

Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms

Claudia Melis, Per-Arvid Wold, Anna Maria Billing

Teaching Ecology to Children of Preschool Education to Instill Environmentally Friendly Behaviour

Maria Eduarda Ferreira, Catarina Cruz, Rui Pitarma

Ecosystems (Article)

CEIP Ginés Morata

Nature’s Services

Peter Wiborn

Aquatic Ecology Books

Aquatic ecology is the science in charge of studying the relationship between the marine ecosystem and the living organisms found in it, such as: fish, crustaceans, algae, coral reefs, etc.

Water quality is not only based on its physicochemical properties, but goes much further, depending to a great extent on the interrelationship between all the species that inhabit it, where each one of them contributes what is necessary to maintain its favorable conservation.

This requires the integration of all the components of the ecosystem, both biotic and abiotic, so that if something does not work it affects all the others and vice versa. As human beings we have the responsibility to document ourselves in this sense, so we have prepared quality material for you to do so.

The handbook for Management and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems in River and lake Basins

Christophe Brachet, Julie Magnier, Daniel Valensuela

Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Connections

University of Florida

Aquatic Ecology

New Hope Group

Introduction to Freshwater Ecology

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

Aquatic ecology

Queensland Government

Agricultural Ecology Books

Agricultural ecology is not a science as such, but a conservation process based on an agricultural system whose objective is to obtain food of the highest quality, respecting the environment and conserving soil fertility through the optimal use of natural resources.

The use of agricultural ecology brings many benefits, among which we can name the following: favoring biodiversity, contributing to the development of rural areas by increasing the biological activity of the soil and, finally, preventing air and water pollution.

Is this preservation currently being carried out?, not always, it is unfortunate, but it is the reality, so training is necessary. Below you will find some good material that will help you learn more about what this process involves.

Agricultural Ecosystems

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Agroecology: key concepts, principles and practices

Miguel A. Altieri

Concepts and definitions of ecology, agro ecology and farming system (Presentation)

National Academic Digital Library of Ethiopia

Agroecology What it is and what it has to offer

Laura Silici

Building A New Agricultural Future

Grow Oxfam

Forest Ecology Books

Forest ecology is the branch of ecology dedicated to the preservation of forests, which is where the figure of the forester arises, who is a person trained in this area to exercise due care of the entire environment, including plants, fruits and wild animals.

This science is based on a scientific perspective, from which interrelated patterns, processes, flora, fauna and ecosystems are analyzed, which are somewhat varied, because not all forests are the same. It has a great impact on felling activities, as well as on their distribution in terrestrial space.
Through it we will be able to know what deforestation processes are necessary and how they affect the animal community that surrounds them and lives in their environments.

Forest Ecology

Jiri Kulhavy, Josef Suchomel, Ladislav Mensík

Forest Ecology

Kimmins, J.P. (Hamish)

Forest Ecosystems

Emily Matthews, Richard Payne, Mark Rohweder

Industrial Ecology Books

While we can define ecology as the science that studies the relationship between the environment and all living organisms, industrial ecology is the extension that studies this environmental relationship, but with the business environment.

This is a very important point, since the impact caused by this sector on ecosystems has been extensive, generating all kinds of damage and pollution, both sound and air, soil and water.

This is a major reason for the creation of laws at the international level, such as the well-known ISO 14000, which regulates industrial activities in the environment, a standard that has “forced” companies to rethink their processes and change their material disposal policies, among other things.

Industrial Ecology: An Introduction

Andy Garner and Gregory A. Keoleian

Industrial Ecology a New Path to Sustainability: An Empirical Review

Felichesmi Selestine Lyakurwa

Industrial ecology: goals and definitions

Reid Lifset and Thomas E. Graedel

Industrial Ecology (Article)

Lawrence K. Wang

Human Ecology Books

The relationship of human beings with the surrounding environment has not always been the best. Throughout history we can see how people have damaged ecosystems in colonization activities, wars, etc.

This type of relationship is studied by a science called human ecology, which tries to make people aware of the need to be responsible with the environment. It is a scientific study, where it has been proven that man can develop in any environment, being able to adapt to their environment, in this area covers the culturization and interpersonal relationships between human beings.

We invite you to learn more about it in the following materials.

Human Ecology Review

Society for Human Ecology

Research and Theory in Human Ecology Review

ANU - Australian National University

Human Ecology (Article)

Roderick J. Lawrence

Well, this was our collection of Ecology books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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