Every company must have an identity that allows it to differentiate itself from the competition. This is what our collection of branding books in PDF format is about, among other things. Here you can study everything related to the creative process of a business or personal brand, a topic that is undoubtedly trendy and will remain so for many years to come.
The construction of identity through branding is a fundamental pillar for any business, company and even for professionals who offer their services on or off the Internet. Therefore, we did not want to leave this aspect aside and we have selected a set of branding books with which interested readers will be able to learn its fundamental principles.
According to the above, we can say that branding is the process of building a brand through the planning of communicational, graphic and positioning processes. It is the overall management of all tangible and intangible aspects that revolve around a brand. Its main objective is to leave a promise that will be essential for the success of the business.
The 5 basic elements of branding are: corporate identity, naming, brand architecture, positioning and brand loyalty. All of them give strength and coherence to the brand, which will be fundamental as a differentiating factor in the market. A brand has a lot of power if it is well thought out and the branding is executed effectively. This would give it prestige and distinction, especially if we talk about the digital sphere.
With the emergence of social networks, branding reinvents itself and further justifies its raison d’être. Today, more than ever, brands are positioned in the public’s mind, accompanying them at all times of the day, thanks to the ubiquity allowed by electronic devices and artificial intelligence.
So enjoy more than 15 branding books in PDF format. Remember that you can download them quickly and free of charge below.
Here we present our complete selection of Branding Books:
Dimensions of Brand Image: A Conceptual Review from the Perspective of Brand Communication
Bambang Sukma Wijaya
Brands and Branding: Research Findings and Future Priorities
Kevin Lane Keller, Donald R Lehmann
Brand and Consumer Characteristics as Drivers of Behaviour Towards Global and Local Brands
Srdan Sapic, Milan Kocic, Jovana Filipovic
Brand Management Practices, Corporate Image, Customer Characteristics and Satisfaction Among University Students in Kenya
Stephen Maore, Justus Munyoki, Mary Kinoti
The Role of Brand Image and Product Characteristics on Firms Entry and OEM Decisions
Fabio Caldieraro
The Effect of Brand Image on Overall Satisfaction and Loyalty Intention in the Context of Color Cosmetic
Stephen L Sondoh Jr, Maznah Wan Omar, Nabsiah Abdul Wahid
Characteristics of a Successful Marketing Strategy for Indian Software Companies to Enter the Western-European Market
Martijn de Ridder
Here ends our selection of free Branding books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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