
15+ E-Commerce Books for Free! [PDF]

In this digital era, the marketing of products and services through virtual media is already a common activity and here we bring to you a collection of e-commerce books in PDF format with which you can take advantage of this business model that has been trending for some time.

Companies and brands that are not implementing this modality are risking the profitability of their business, since it is one of the most used for reasons of convenience, security and accessibility. If you want to venture into this way of marketing products or services, read our selection of e-commerce books.

Electronic commerce or e-commerce is an economic activity that promotes the marketing of products and services through digital media such as websites, mobile applications or social networks themselves. Consumers can access catalogs at any time and from anywhere. Today it is difficult to find companies that do not have e-commerce as a sales strategy.

It has never been easier to consume products and services, as customers have access to online stores from their mobile devices and only need an Internet connection. However, commercial agreements between two or more people are still the essence of this business model. In other words, the human component is still present and necessary at least in the most important purchasing phases.

Today, anyone can participate in e-commerce simply by posting on their social networks. However, if you want to make this a sustainable and profitable business over time, you need to have a well-positioned brand and do it in a professional manner.

Among the outstanding features of e-commerce, we can mention: the global domain, the availability 24 hours a day and from anywhere, the good levels of interaction at all stages of the purchase.

Study with our selection of more than 15 e-commerce books in PDF format and discover this world full of opportunities.

Here we present our complete selection of E-Commerce books:

E Commerce

MS K Bhavithravani

E Commerce and E Business

Zorayda Ruth Andam

Internet and Website Establishments

Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Lecture Notes on E Commerce and Cyber Laws

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

70 E Commerce store Features to Start and Scale


E Commerce Technology Made Easy

Sridhar S

The Advantages and Limitations of E Commerce to Both Customers and Businesses

Majed Al Tamer

Different types of E Commerce (Article)

Post Graduate Govt College for Girls Sector 42

E Business Models (Presentation)

Jain College

Benefits of E commerce (Article)

AJML Group

Exploring Benefits of Local E Commerce for Enhancing Firms Competitiveness

Julien Hildebrandt

E Commerce Business Models

Chris Fox

Main Issues on E-Commerce

Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry

Electronic Commerce in Developing Countries Issues for Domestic Policy and Wto Negotiations

Catherine L Mann

Perspectives and Problems of Electronic Commerce in Developing Countries (Article)

Kristina Jganjgava

E Commerce Role of E Commerce in Todays Business (Article)

Anjali Gupta

Electronic Commerce Structures and Issues (Article)

Vladimir Zwass

Introduction to E Commerce

Wanshui Shuyuan Publishing Resources Network

Here ends our selection of free E-Commerce books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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