
15+ Robotics Books for Free! [PDF]

Robots have long ceased to be a subject of science fiction to become an increasingly palpable reality. We present to you our collection of robotics books in PDF format, with which you can delve into this incredible subject that will not disappoint you.

There are many job opportunities in robotics. There is a great demand for professionals in this area and, in reality, the supply is still scarce. We encourage you to study robotics and accompany you in that goal. By reading these robotics books in PDF format that we have selected for you, you will be able to acquire basic notions and fundamental principles.

It is a branch of science, present in many disciplines (especially in engineering) that is responsible for designing, manufacturing and operating robots. These were created with the purpose of being able to imitate the behavior of humans and animals and thus replace them in various tasks and areas of industry, economy, as well as in the domestic.

The most deeply rooted reference in the collective imagination is that of the humanoid robot, the one that looks very much like us and that with the passage of time will replace us in countless tasks. But the truth is that there are many types and their classification is quite broad, as is the field of study of robotics.

Humanoid robots are those that are designed with the purpose of imitating us faithfully. Their creators seek hyperrealism with their creation and we already have some extraordinary references as is the case of the female robot Sophia, which was introduced to the world in 2015 and surprised us with its extremely realistic appearance, its ability to learn and establish conversations.

Other types of robots to highlight are: domestic robots, space robots, exoskeletons, bionic prostheses, industrial robots, among others.

Check out our selection of more than 15 robotics books in PDF format and start getting into this fascinating field of study. You can download them to your mobile devices for free.

Here we present our complete selection of Robotics books:

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Javier Andreu Perez,Fani Deligianni,Daniele Ravi

An Introduction to Robotics Mechanical Aspects

Michel Geradin

Probabilistic Algorithms in Robotics

Sebastian Thrun

Robot Applications

Prof S K Saha

Literature Review Gender and Robotics

Anna Pillinger

Robotic Systems

Department of Mechanical Engineering Zhongxing University



Industrial Application of Robots in Material Handling and Assembly (Presentation)

Marian Engineering College

Robots at Home Understanding Long Term Human Robot Interaction (Article)

Cory D Kidd,Cynthia Breazeal

Robotics in Medicine Applications (Article)

Shripad Shashikant Chopade,Sagar Pradip Kauthalkar,Chaitanya Bhalchandra Bhandari

Robotics Terminology (Presentation)

Dr Atul Thakur

A Brief History of Robotics (Article)

Robotics Connection Singapore

Five Basic Principles of Developmental Robotics (Article)

Alexander Stoytchev

Industrial Robots Definition and Classification

The International Federation of Robotics

The History of Robotics (Article)

Trenton Public Schools

Industrial Robotics (Presentation)

KCG College of Technology

Robotics (Presentation)

Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 4th US ed

Here ends our selection of free Robotics books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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