
15+ Spells Books for Free! [PDF]

The belief in the esoteric arts is very old, and despite the fact that at some point in history rational thought removed certain practices from the culture, they continue to exist and gain new strength. This encourages us to provide interested readers with access to this collection of spell books in PDF format, where you will learn about their magic, typology and effectiveness.

Since ancient times we humans have tried to alter reality and even intervene in the natural processes of life to divert them in a different direction. We have been more or less successful in this endeavor, using different resources, but the truth is that witchcraft and magic have worked on many occasions. To find out how, study with our selection of spell books.

Thus, we can say that spells are methods with which you can transform a situation or fact and although they are based on esoteric resources, still many people resort to them to overcome difficult events or meet an objective that they consider essential in their lives.

Usually, spells are accompanied by rituals that must be followed to the letter to be effective. Nowadays, this can mean the intervention of incantations, preparations and invocation of spirits. Consequently, spells remain forbidden practices sometimes for religious reasons, and in others it is a social taboo, as they are associated with black magic.

It is never well seen, nor socially accepted, to intervene in reality to achieve individual goals that may affect the lives of others. However, spells do not necessarily have to have a bad intention, as they also include white magic spells, i.e. beneficial spells.

Check out our collection of over 15 spell books in PDF format and download the ones you prefer on any of your electronic devices and totally free of charge.

Here we present our complete selection of Spells books:

Magic: White and Black or The Science of Finite and Infinite Life Containing Practical Hints for Students of Occultism

Franz Hartmann

Witchcraft, Demonology and Magic

Marina Montesano

Charms, Charmers and Charming

Tatyana A. Mikhailova, Jonathan Roper, Andrey L. Toporkov

Witchcraft and the Supernatural

Julian Goodare

Secrets of ancient magic

Penn Museum

The Magical Power of Words

S. J. Tambiah

Witchcraft and Sorcery-A biblical Perspective with Implications for Church Ministry

Esther J. Kibor

Contemporary forms of Slovenian love charms

Sasa Babic

Things Magical in the collections of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Leonard N. Beck

Ethiopian Magic Texts

Sevir Chernetsov

Aspects of Historical Poetics and Pragmatics of Slavic Charms

Pieter Plas, Aleksey Yudin

Holy Spit and Magic Spells-Religion, Magic and the Body in Late Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Adam Collins Bursi

Old Spells, Magic Herbs and Frightening Creatures (Article)

João de Mancelos

Breath-Holding Spells (Article)

Seattle Children’s

Powerful Money Spell (Article)

Various authors

Pagan Symbols (Article)


Symbols of Protection (Article)


Wheel of the Year (Article)


Here ends our selection of free Spells books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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