
10+ Colombian History Books for Free! [PDF]

To increase our collection of free books, we selected another topic of interest. This time we will share a list of books in PDF format on the History of Colombia.

In 1499 the first Spanish expeditions arrived in Colombian territory along the Atlantic coast, but the colonization process began in 1509. This marked a drastic change in the life of the indigenous peoples. With the increasing advance of the Spaniards on Colombian territory, various settlements were built and the territory was ordered according to the interests of the conquerors.

Then, during the 19th century, great changes took place in Colombia, the country went from being a dependency of Spain to an independent country, thanks to the wars of independence, then continued with the political processes to form an independent nation. The following decade can be divided into four phases: the Foolish Fatherland, the Nariño Campaign in the south, the Reconquest and the War of Independence, which was a decisive triumph in July 1819, and on August 7, with the defeat of the Royalist Army, Colombia’s independence was sealed.

On this occasion we will share more than 10 books about Colombian History in PDF format, in which you can read all the respective details. All the books in our list were given for free publication or are in the public domain.

Here we present our complete selection of Colombian History books:

Consolidating Power The Making of Modern Colombia After the Panama Debacle

Jorge L Sarmiento

The Role of Great Britain in the Independence of Colombia

Malcolm Deas,Anthony McFarlane,Gustavo Bell

Religion, Politics and War In the Creation of an Ethos of Conflict in Colombia; The case of the War of the Thousand Days (1899-1902)

Margarita J. Diaz Caceres

Rhetoric of Independence

Fernando Estrada

Colombian Foreign Trade in the Twentieth Century

Leonardo Villar,Pilar Esguerra

History of the Colombian left-wings between 1958 and 2010

Mauricio Archila

The Colombian Case Peace Making and Power Sharing

World Bank Group

Teaching Violence Drug Trafficking and Armed Conflict in Colombian Schools Are History Textbooks Deficient

Nancy Palacios Mena

Battle of Boyacá


Colombia Another 100 Years of Solitude (Article)

James A Robinson

On the Agrarian Origins of Civil Conflict in Colombia

María del Pilar Lopez,Fabio Sanchez Torres

Conflict Resolution in Colombia

Pat Paterson

An Overview of Conflict in Colombia (Article)

The International Center for Transitional Justice

Tyranny or Victory Simon Bolívars South American Revolt

Jackson Harris

Basta Ya Colombia Memories of War and Dignity

Migratio Principal

Here ends our selection of free Colombian History books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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