If you want to study International Law, you have come to the right place. We offer you our library of books on international law in PDF format, a selection of free and relevant material on the subject. This subject is of public interest, since its very foundations pave the way for order and good relations among the nations of the world.
The origin of this branch of law arises along with the founding of States. The oldest international treaty that set a great precedent was the one between Mesopotamia and Ummah, around 3000 years before Christ, which sought to preserve the borders. Facts like these and many more can be enjoyed in our collection of books on international law, which is totally free to download.
Thus, international law is concerned with the regulation of relations between the various nations of the world and the use of common resources, such as the environment. We know that any philosophical foundation of law is based on harmonious relations and the establishment of an order, in this case a world-class order. To this end, a series of treaties, conventions and regulations have been created throughout history to meet this objective.
Some of the topics covered by international law may seem familiar to us, as they are of great interest to public opinion. Among them, we can mention: human rights, international crime, refugees, migration, and environmental protection, as well as trade and communications, public use of force, among many others. Everything that has relevance on the planet.
The United Nations, today, is in charge of promoting respect for international treaties and from there other institutions have emerged whose objective is always to maintain world peace. Given the relevance of the subject, we invite you to consult the more than 20 books of international law in PDF format, which we assure you will be of great value for your study.
Here we present our complete selection of International Law books:
Protecting Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict
Kristin Hausler, Nicole Urban, Robert McCorquodale
Here ends our selection of free International Law books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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