
15+ Tax Law Books for Free! [PDF]

Having the possibility to find free books has a great value for reading lovers. And this value is increased if you can also have access to books on topics of interest to you.

We dedicate part of our time to select books on a specific topic to share with our readers. This time we will share a list of books on Tax Law in PDF format.

Tax Law or revenue law is divided into a general part and a special part.

The general part deals with the material factors and those of a formal nature, among which we can mention: the sources of the rules, the constitutional tax principles, the temporal and spatial application, the classification of taxes and their characteristics, the interpretation of the rules, the methods of determining the tax bases, the exemption of the debt, the tax offenses and penalties, the inspection and review of administrative acts, the collection procedures, and the study of the bodies of the tax administration.

The special section focuses on the specific provisions of each of the taxes that make up a nation’s tax system.

All this and much more can be consulted in detail in the texts we have chosen on Tax Law. In this opportunity we have selected 15 books in PDF format that we share with you below.

It is important to point out that each and every one of these texts have been granted for free publication, or are in the public domain. Enjoy them!

Here we present our complete selection of Tax Law books:

Fiscal Law Deskbook

Contract and Fiscal Law Department The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School United States Army

2021 Fiscal Law Deskbook

Contract and Fiscal Law Department The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School United

Tax Law

Institute of Company Secretaries of India

Tax Law and Regulations


Fiscal Law Overview

Department of Defense Standards of Conduct Office

Federal Appropriations Law (Presentation)

William Mayers

Tax pocket book

Price Waterhouse Cooper

Fiscal Law (Presentation)

Holly Friedrich

Law of Tax Administration and Procedure

Richard K. Gordon

Taxation Principles and Theory

Oxford University Press

Law on Taxation

World Trade Organization

Principles of Fiscal Law and Government Contracts-Related Funding Issues (Presentation)

Joseph G. Martinez, K. Tyler Thomas

Fiscal Responsibility Legal Framework - NewParadigm for Fiscal Discipline in the EU

Mihaela Tofan, Mihaela Onofrei and Anca-Florentina Vatamanu

Income Tax Law

World Trade Organization

Institutional structure of public finance law

Tsindeliani, Mannep A

Principles and Procedures on Fiscal (Article)

Morar Ioan Dan

Here ends our selection of free Tax Law books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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