
20+ Algebra Books for Free! [PDF]

Sometimes we find it hard to believe that, beyond basic operations, mathematics is an abstract language with little application in everyday life. Experts in this science know very well that this is not so.

Mathematics is the basis of many sciences and thanks to it we can enjoy good engineering work or make calculations of our finances. In this sense, our collection of algebra books in PDF format will be very useful for your studies and research.

The first algebra treatise was published in 820 A.D. by the astronomer Al-Khwarizmi. Therefore, its origin was placed in the Arabic culture. In fact, the etymology of the word comes from the Arabic term “al-jabr” meaning “reunion of broken parts”.

The methods of solving linear equations that appear in this first publication evolved, until algebra became an independent discipline. Learn more about this interesting topic in our algebra books.

Algebra is defined as the discipline or branch of mathematics that studies abstract structures, such as equations, and involves both basic operations and the presence of a variable or unknown.

The latter is like a secret piece of information that is missing and that, precisely, algebraic operations allow us to discover and be able to put together the whole. It is like a puzzle with a missing piece, and until it is found, the complete picture cannot be seen.

Algebra is present in many aspects of our daily lives, in accounting, financial management, building construction and even in logical reasoning. As a result, it is commonly seen as a subject in a wide variety of professions.

If you are interested in studying about this important mathematical discipline, check out our more than 20 books on algebra in PDF format, available for immediate download to your electronic devices.

Here we present our complete selection of Algebra books:

Intermediate Algebra

Lynn Marecek

College Algebra

Jay Abramson

Advanced Algebra

Anthony W. Knapp

Linear Algebra

Jim Hefferon

College Algebra

Carl Stitz, Jeff Zeager

A Course in Universal Algebra

S. Burris and H.P. Sankappanavar

An Introduction to Geometric Algebra and Calculus

Alan Bromborsky

Introduction to Modern Algebra

David Joyce

Understanding Algebra

Lauren B. Resnick

Matrix Algebra for Engineers

Jeffrey R. Chasnov

Learning algebra (Presentation)

H. Wu

Review of Basic Algebraic Concepts

UC Santa Cruz

Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra

David Lerner

Engineering Mathematics-I

M.Ramalingam, R.S.Suganthi, B.R. Narasimhan

Financial Algebra

Robert Gerver, Richard Sgroi

Algebra Operations

NYU Wagner

Algebra Basics

JCU Australia

The accounting system as an algebraic automaton: Research Articles

Salvador Cruz Rambaud, Jose García Pérez

How to Work Word Problems in Algebra: Part II (Article)

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Algebra Cheat Sheet (Article)

Paul Dawkins

Here ends our selection of free Algebra books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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