
15+ Thanatology Books for Free! [PDF]

Human beings have always had a relationship with death. However, it is not usually experienced as a normal process of life, but as something undesirable and even repudiatory. To encourage a different view, we have created a selection of books on thanatology in PDF format so that those interested in the subject can better understand it.

It is possible to go through a terminal illness comfortably, accepting the circumstances and surrounded by respect and love. The way to achieve this is revealed in this collection of books on thanatology in PDF format and with which you will be able to study this interesting discipline.

Thanatology had its origin in the investigations of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who with a group of seminarians observed and learned about the experiences of the terminally ill. She conducted the interviews and the seminarians took notes and observed.

Eventually, this developed into a seminar on death, which consisted of a large group of students observing the interviews and then having discussions about the information obtained from them. It soon became accredited as a course at the University of Chicago School of Medicine.

Thanatology is understood as the multidisciplinary science that seeks to alleviate the pain and hopelessness of the terminally ill and their loved ones. To this end, it seeks to provide a comfortable environment for a dignified and peaceful death, respecting beliefs and allowing for decision making.

Thanatology can be studied as a course, that is, the thanatologist can have any profession, although preferably in the field of health (doctors, psychologists, nurses, among others). Generally, their work is carried out in hospitals and hospices.

Consult our selection of more than 15 books on thanatology in PDF format, available right now for free download from this section of our library.

Here we present our complete selection of Thanatology books:

Exploring the Psychological Suffering of a Person Requesting Medical Assistance in Dying

Mona Gupta,Jacynthe Rivest,Suzanne Leclair

Speaking of Suffering Towards a Conversation About Death and Dying

Australian Catholic University

The Determination of Death

David Axelrod,John A Alesandro,Mario L Baeza

Death Education An Internationally Relevant Approach to Grief Counseling

Elizabeth A Doughty,Wendy J Hoskins

Forensic-medical thanatology

Repository of Kharkiv National Medical University


All Star Training

Counselors Working with the Terminally Ill

Darlene Daneker

A Personal Reflection on Bridging Research and Practice in Thanatology (Article)

John R Jordan

Guidelines for Care of the Dying Patient (Article)


living in fear dying in despair how can we help (Presentation)

South African Medical Association

Palliative Care Staff Perspectives (Article)

Instituto Pallium

Palliative Treatment and Euthanasia for Psychiatric Illnesses

Seetha Chandrasekhara

Grief Overview

Archdiocese of Boston

Theories of Death and Dying (Article)

Klimczuk,Andrzej,Fabis, Artur

Spiritual Care of the Dying Spiritual Care of the Dying (Presentation)

Daniel B Hinshaw

Twelve Insights into Grieving After the Death of Your Loved One (Article)

Therese A Rando

Death and Postmortem changes (Presentation)

Dr S K Pandey

Here ends our selection of free Thanatology books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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