
15+ Eastern Philosophy Books for Free! [PDF]

Philosophy branches into various forms, but in the case of that of the east of the world it cannot be said to have been categorized as such, because it is a category assigned by western philosophy and that is what this selection of eastern philosophy books in PDF format is all about, addressing each of them even though easterners do not consider it a philosophy per se.

The term eastern philosophy was first introduced into Western academia in the 19th century, being nonexistent until then in both East Asia and India. In our collection of Eastern philosophy books you can learn about each of them in greater depth. Schopenhauer was the first Western philosopher to raise aspects of Eastern philosophy, such as asceticism.

Asian philosophy is made up of the philosophies of East Asia and South Asia. It includes those of India, China, Korea and Japan. Buddhism and Islam can also be included, as well as the Persian philosophy.

Eastern philosophy goes far beyond mystical and religious thought. Moreover, it contributes as much as other branches of philosophy in general. Its foundations are in India, specifically in the Vedic religion. Buddhism, for its part, leaves as its legacy an ethical and moral system that aims at liberation and the attainment of eternal peace.

Confucius was the Chinese philosopher most representative of eastern philosophy. His philosophical exercise consisted of educating rulers in values that would allow them to lead nations or empires with wisdom, under principles such as righteousness and responsibility.

Explore right now this excellent collection of more than 15 books of eastern philosophy in PDF format. Remember that you can download them for free on any of your electronic devices.

Here we present our complete selection of Eastern Philosophy books:

Eastern Philosophy

J.S.R.L. Narayana Moorty

Eastern Philosophies of Education Buddhist Hindu Daoist and Confucian Readings of Platos Cave

Dr David Lewin

The Relevance of Oriental Philosophy

Alan Watts

Indian Philosophy

EIILM University

Impact of Eastern Philosophy and Idolatry Doctrines on Contemporary Training and Recovery Programs

Dr Fawz bint Abdul Latif Kurdi

Indian philosophy

Suresh Rattans website

Life and Teachings of Confucius

Lucknow University

Western and Eastern Philosophy Some Reflection (Article)

Somparn Promta

East Meets West Integration of Taoism Into Western Therapy

Rochelle C Moss,Kristi L Perryman

Mountains and Clouds Flussers Buddhism

Sal Randolph

A Comparison Between Zen Buddhism and Philosophy of Heidegger With Regard to Death Nothingness and Being (Article)

Buke Temizler

Philosophy in Lincoln Douglas Debate (Presentation)

Robey Holland

The Role of Eastern Religious Traditions in Societ (Article)

Fernando Tevez Rosales,Dr Jeremy Hustwit

Metaphysics in Buddhist Thinking (Presentation)

Nijara Medhi

Nature of Indian Philosophy (Presentation)

Dr Desh Raj Sirswal

Running Head Eastern Philosophy (Article)

Patricia Huang

Here ends our selection of free Eastern Philosophy books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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