Undoubtedly, Hermes Trismegistus is an enigmatic character that has prevailed in the collective imagination throughout time and to whom is attributed a philosophical, esoteric, and religious doctrine that for many is loaded with great wisdom.
If you are interested in learning about his legacy, we invite you to study our collection of free books on hermeticism, where you will learn the principles of the writings of this wise man.
Today’s hermeticism is very occult and many people use this knowledge as a secret formula to understand life, the human being, and his relationship with God and the universe.
The origin of this doctrine is found in a set of writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (the thrice great) at the time of Roman domination. In fact, the figure of this historical personage arises from the syncretism of Egyptian and Greek mythologies, since the Egyptian god Tot is related to the Greek god Hermes.
Similarly, Hermes Trismegistus has been attributed to the origin of Alchemy and Astrology, but this has not been proven. Find out much more about this metaphysical current with our more than 10 free hermetic books and articles in PDF format.
Hermeticism Books
The Hermetic Aóyoc - Reading the Corpus Hermeticum as a Reflection of Graeco-Egyptian Mentality
Von Gurgel Pereira and Ronaldo Guilherme
The Kybalion - A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Three Initiates
Hermetic journey through the paths on the tree of life basics of practical metaphysics
Saule Zujute
The essence of hermetic philosophy in asclepius, sive dialogus hermetis trismegisti
Kazimierz Pawlowski
Rejected Knowledge Reconsidered - Some Methodological Notes on Esotericism and Marginality
Egil Asprem
Alchemy Books
Hermeticism and Alchemy are two philosophical and spiritual traditions that have been closely related throughout history, although they also have their own distinctive characteristics.
Alchemists often used Hermetic terminology and symbols in their writings, and some of the best-known alchemists, such as Paracelsus and Isaac Newton, were also influenced by Hermetic philosophy.
Both traditions continue to have a significant impact on spiritual and philosophical thought to this day. Therefore, we invite you to explore our complete collection of free alchemy books and learn more about this spiritual thought.
Books on Hermetic Astrology
Discover the fascinating world of Hermetic astrology through this hand-picked selection of books and articles on Hermetic astrology. Dive into the depths of the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of the stars.
Hermetic astrology is an astrological system that goes beyond the traditional horoscope. Based on hermetic philosophy, this discipline seeks to understand the connections between the macrocosm and the microcosm.
If you are passionate about everything related to the world of astrology, we invite you to visit our complete collection. We invite you to visit our complete collection of free astrology books where you will learn more about this passionate discipline.
ntegration of Renaissance Arts and Hermeticism - Artful Tarot and Astrology (Article)
Yijin Chen
Books on occultism
Occultism, often associated with the secret and the supernatural, encompasses various disciplines such as alchemy, astrology, tarot, and ceremonial magic.
Among the recurring themes in occultism, the current of hermeticism occupies a prominent place. This philosophical tradition focuses on the idea that there is a deep interconnection between the universe, divinity, and spiritual knowledge.
Our collection of free occult books invites you to explore the ancient wisdom and universal principles that lie at the heart of the occult and that remain relevant in today’s quest for spiritual understanding.
Meditation Books
We invite you to explore the profound wisdom of meditation and find calm amidst the daily hustle and bustle through our complete collection of meditation PDF books.
Explore the fascinating connection between meditation and hermeticism, two disciplines that are intertwined in the quest for occult knowledge and self-knowledge.
Meditation is an essential tool in the Hermetic tradition for reaching a deeper understanding of the universe and human existence.
Here ends our selection of free Hermeticism books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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