
25+ Books about Loneliness for Free! [PDF]

Although it may seem obvious, solitude is synonymous with isolation. Many reasons cause a state of loneliness. Fear and depression are some of the most common. Want to explore this concept from a psychological point of view? Check out our books about loneliness in PDF format.

One of the great human questions is whether loneliness is appropriate or totally pessimistic. We are sure that feeling “alone” is wrong, but it is also valuable to enjoy our company.

While loneliness can cause depression or vice versa, others see loneliness as a possibility for personal and spiritual growth. Indeed, many renowned philosophers and thinkers recommend leading a life away from all distractions to acquire discipline and achieve true excellence. 

Many writers write in solitude, but many people have lost their lives as a result of isolation. Psychology says that being alone gives us the possibility to know ourselves, rediscover ourselves, and set life goals accordingly.

If you have come this far, you are likely looking for information on the subject that will allow you to broaden your criteria regarding loneliness. Well, you will be happy to know that you have at your disposal more than 25 books that talk about loneliness in PDF format to achieve this.

Here we present our complete selection of Books about Loneliness:

Cultures of Solitude. Loneliness, Limitation, Liberation

Ina Bergmann, Stefan Hippler

The Expressions of Being Alone (workbook)

Dr. Jade-isis Lefebvre, Debora Rabinovich

The Psychology of Loneliness

Campaign to End Loneliness

How to be alone (but not lonely)

Life Squared

Understanding Loneliness and Social Isolation

National Institute on Aging

Combating loneliness. A guide for local authorities

Local Government Association

If you’re feeling lonely

Independent Age

Loneliness: a modern epidemic and the search for a cure

Healthwatch York

How to overcome feelings of loneliness (Presentation)

World Bank Group

Loneliness: an integrative approach

Lars Christian Sonderby, B.A.

Overcoming loneliness together

Population Health

Why Loneliness Interventions Are Unsuccessful: A Call for Precision Health

An Open Access Journal from Hapres

Loneliness in childhood

The Children's Society

Loneliness, suicide and young people

Samaritans' Media Guidelines

The Psychological Structure of Loneliness

Axel Seemann



Dealing With Loneliness


15 loneliness tips for young people (Article)

Mental Health Foundation

A review of loneliness: Concepts and definitions, determinants and consequences (Article)

Jong-Gierveld, J.

Loneliness: A guide for teachers and education staf

Mental Health Foundation

Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation among Older Adults (Article)

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Self help guide to Loneliness and Isolation

NHS Health Trainers

A guide to managing feelings of loneliness (Article)

We Are Menzies

Supporting children and young people with loneliness (Article)


Preventing social isolation and loneliness among older people (Article)

Joanna Marczak, Raphael Wittenberg, Lorraine Frisina Doetter

Coping with loneliness (Article)

Canadian Mental Health Association

Loneliness & re-connection (Article)

University of Bath

Here ends our selection of free Books about Loneliness in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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