
20+ Sport Psychology Books for Free! [PDF]

Sport has always been a human activity that favors the physical and mental well-being of people. It is not surprising that in the 21st century sport psychology has flourished as a discipline with an independent and well-defined object of study. Our books on sport psychology in PDF format, will bring you up to date on this interesting subject that has led to the success of more than one athlete and team.

Sport has been with us for thousands of years, providing us with an entertainment and health experience that few other activities can match. For this reason, we have decided to compile a series of books on sport psychology, because we know that our community of readers is interested in this subject.

The field of study of this discipline is quite broad, as it studies the origin of the behaviors of individual athletes, teams, coaches and the public. The objective is to design and apply a series of strategies and techniques to improve the sporting and psychological performance of teams and individual players.

In certain sports, more than in others, it has become essential to have a sports psychologist to take teams to a higher level every year, as is the case of soccer clubs in Europe. Hence the importance of this professional who must be prepared not only in this area of study but also in the fact that they will have to face great challenges during their intervention.

High competition sports have very specific characteristics in terms of how they affect the player’s mind, so high levels of stress are managed. The task may be too big for a professional if they are not effective enough in implementing strategies.

Check out our more than 20 sport psychology books in PDF format and discover the magic of sport and psychology, united to achieve excellent results in teams and individual athletes.

Here we present our complete selection of Sport Psychology books:

Sport Psychology -Linking Theory to Practice

Gangyan, S., Cruz, J., Jaenes, J.C.

Sport Psychology: The Psychology of Athletic Excellence

Yuri L. Hanin, Natalia B. Stambulova

PSYCHOLOGY-Sport and exercise psychology – Key Research Guide

Oxford Cambridge and RSA

Sport Psychology in Theory and Practice

Lars-Eric Unestahl

Defining Applied Sport and Performance Psychology

Steven T. Portenga, Mark W. Aoyagi, Gloria Balague

Anxiety and Fear in Sport and Performance

Shuge Zhang, Tim Woodman, Ross Roberts

Applied Sport Psychology Motivation, Feedback and Goal Setting for your Athletes (Presentation)

Ciara Losty

Special Olympics Sports Science -Sport Psychology for Coaches

Jeff Martin

Mental Fitness for long-term athlete Development

Karen MacNeill, Lisa Benz, Matt Brown

Sports Psychology

Government Arts College Coimbatore

Sport and exercise psychology in 2050

Markus Raab

The historical evolution of Sport Psychology

Madhushani A. A. L

Expanding socio-cultural identity research in sport psychology: The potential of athlete autobiographies

Kerry R. McGannon, Brett Smith

Sport Psychology:the winning formula

Tracey Veivers

Effective Sport Psychology Consulting Relationships: Two Coach Case Studies

Lee-Ann Sharp And Ken Hodge

Anxiety Affects Sports Performance (Presentation)

Shobha S.

Psychological Profile, Competitive Anxiety, Moodsand Self-Efficacy in Beach Handball Players

Rafael E. Reigal, Juan A. Vázquez-Diz, Juan P. Morillo-Baro

What Is This Thing Called Mental Toughness? An Investigation of Elite Sport Performers

Graham Jones, Sheldon Hanton and Declan Connaughton

Winning or Not Winning -The influence on Coach-Athlete Relationships and Goal Achievement

Rui Trocado mata, Antonio Ruida Silva Gomes

Sport Psychology-A Primer for Educators (Article)

Leonard Zaichkowsky

Sports psychology (Article)

World Athletics

Effects of Anxiety on Athletic Performance (Article)

Muhammad Khushdil Khan, Alamgir Khan, Sami Ullah Khan

Mindsets: Developing Talent Through a Growth Mindset (Article)

Carol S. Dweck

Human Problems: Competitive Anxiety in Sport Performer and Various Treatments to Reduce It (Article)

Umilatul Hasanah, Niken Refanthira

Here ends our selection of free Sport Psychology books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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