
30+ Books on Stress for Free! [PDF]

The term “stress” has been very popular in recent decades. It seems to have become a disorder that has spiraled out of control, from the individual to the collective. 

Because of this, we wanted to make this collection of books on stress available to you in PDF format, so that you know how it works and also how it can be addressed healthily.

Stress is the set of physiological reactions of the organism to situations that generate nervous tension, such as work problems, anxiety, and traumatic events of various kinds. 

Stress, in normal doses, does not cause any kind of inconvenience. On the contrary, it helps us to face different challenges that we face daily. However, when the situation that generates nervous tension is prolonged for too long, stress can become chronic and destructive.

So that you can expand a little more on the subject we invite you to take a look at our compendium of more than 30 books on stress in PDF format.

Books on Stress

Understanding Stress


Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide

World Health Organization

Calm in the Storm: Coping with the Stresses of Life

Klinic Community Health Centre

Understanding Stress

The Civil Service Employee Assistance Service (CSEAS)

Stress. An NHS self help guide

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Stress. A self help guide

University of Birmingham

How to... Manage and reduce stress

Mental Health Foundation

The well-being guide

Ea Suzanne Akasha, Sarah Harrison

How to manage stress


Manage Stress. workbook

U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs

The Stress Factor. Your guide to stress

First Psychology Scotland

Coping with Stress

Florida Literacy Coalition

Taking you from Distress to De-stress

The Stress Management Society

Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

South Western Sydney Local Health District

Strategies for Stress Management (Article)

University of North Carolina Wilmington

What is stress (Article)

University of Regina

Children and Stress: Caring Strategies to Guide Children (Article)

Virginia Cooperative Extension

5 Things You Should Know About Stress (Article)

National Institute of Mental Health

Talking With Your Children About Stress (Article)

American Psychological Association

Stress management for kids and teens (Article)

Louisiana Association of Educators

Stress at work

Most of us are immersed in the world of work and this is one of the topics we hear most about in our environment.

Whether we are independent workers or we work for an organization, we can find ourselves under a stressful dynamic that can affect our health, family relationships, and even our job performance, if we do not know how to handle it.

Symptoms can range from mild moodiness to severe depression and are almost always accompanied by inevitable exhaustion and physical weakness. Learn more about work stress with the following materials in PDF format.

Stress at Work

Tarani Chandola

Workplace stress

International Labour Organization

Managing Workplace Stress

OSHAcademy ATP

Work organisation and stress

World Health Organization

Stress at work

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Post-traumatic stress

This type of stress occurs in extreme situations or situations that cause a great impression on the person who experiences them. In other words, they are major traumatic events, such as being the victim of an armed attack, suffering an accident, or a natural catastrophe.

The person experiences for a variable period, depending on each person, anxiety and terrifying thoughts about what he or she experienced.

Here are some materials that can help you understand a little more about post-traumatic stress.

Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD

American Psychological Association

Post-traumatic stress disorder

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Post Traumatic Stress. An NHS self help guide

NHS England

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment

National Center for PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Article)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Here ends our selection of free Books on Stress in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Remember that “Sharing is Caring”.

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