
15+ Books on Suicide for Free! [PDF]

According to some studies, most people have thought about taking their own lives, but do not actually do it. With our selection of books on suicide in PDF format, we intend to provide information on the subject and raise awareness to prevent such deaths.

Suicide is a reality in the world, a percentage of people die for this cause and can become a very traumatic event for those around the person who decides to end their own life. Learn about the causes and ways to prevent it, which you can deepen in our collection of books on suicide.

We define suicide as the act of provoking one’s own death through different methods. Prior to this the person experiences suicidal thoughts that can be quite disturbing, but at the same time may represent the solution to the problems they are experiencing.

Suicide is associated with other mental pathologies such as depression, anxiety or some disorders such as borderline personality disorder. However, it is something that can be prevented with medical and psychological help. Therefore, it is recommended that if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, seek help or if you perceive a loved one in this situation, encourage them to visit healthcare personnel trained to treat them.

The most common causes of suicide are traumatic events and deep emotional impact, such as: the end of an important relationship, financial bankruptcy, death of a loved one, abuse, chronic illness, or living through extreme experiences such as war. It is important to emphasize prevention, as the consequences of suicide are often devastating.

Check out this interesting collection of more than 15 books on suicide in PDF format, download them for free in this section of our virtual library.

Here we present our complete selection of Books on Suicide:

Suicide and Suicidal Behavior

Yari Gvion,Alan Apter

Self Harm and Suicide in Adults

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Suicide Attempts Among the Elderly a Review of the Literature

Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo,Fatima Gonçalves Cavalcante

Suicide Prevention A Review and Policy Recommendations

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Best Practices in School Based Suicide Prevention

Province of Manitoba

Preventing Suicide by Young People Discussion Paper


Coping with Suicidal Thoughts (Article)

Dr Joti Samra,Dr Dan Bilsker

Suicide Prevention Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings (Article)

Clinical Practice Guidelines Home Veterans Affairs

Talking to Children About a Suicide (Article)

Mental Health Commission of Canada

Depression and Suicide (Article)

Yoshitomo Takahashi

Risk Factors for Adolescent Suicide (Article)

University of Minnesota

Preventing Suicide (Article)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Physical Activity and Sports to Prevent Suicidality among School Going Adolescents

Asif Ali,Asif Naveed Ranjha,Anjum Noreen

Helping Children and Youth with Thoughts of Suicide (Article)

Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario Logo

Suicide Prevention with Children and Adolescents (Presentation)

Gerd R Naydock

The Bridge (Article)

Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe (Article)

Montgomery County Public Schools

Understanding Suicide (Article)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Preventing Suicide in England Fifth Progress Report of the Crossgovernment Outcomes Strategy to Save Lives


Here ends our selection of free Books on Suicide in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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