
15+ Self-Help Books for Free! [PDF]

Self-help is the actions a person takes to improve his or her life or solve problems without the help of others.

If you are looking for more information on the subject, check out our collection of free self-help books, which will enable you to approach change in a more positive way.

Self-help books can improve our decision-making skills by encouraging us to set short- and long-term goals.

Literature focused on this topic often invites readers to explore their motivations and set time frames to meet their goals, but not before identifying their needs.

Visit our collection of more than 45 materials including books and self-help articles in PDF format, where we address each of the most important topics in self-help.

Self-Help Books


Samuel Smiles

The Complete Guide to Self-Care

A. Battista

Self-Care Planning Guide For Individuals

Healing Trust

Self-Care Guide

Mind Peace

Self harm - Coping strategies


My self-care plan


A Practical Guide to Self-Care for Helping Professionals

Julie Radlauer-Doerfler and John E. VanDenBerg

Personal Development Books

Personal development and self-help share the common goal of helping people improve their well-being and empower their lives.

Personal development books often focus on gaining skills and tools to grow as a person holistically. 

They provide an overview of topics such as effective communication, emotional intelligence, productivity, leadership, and time management, among others.

If you are looking for personal development books, we invite you to visit our complete section with free books and articles in PDF format.

Self-Esteem Books

Self-esteem is a person’s perception of his or her own worth. Low self-esteem can lead to feelings of insecurity, inferiority, and lack of confidence, negatively affecting personal life and relationships. 

Therefore, working on improving self-esteem is key to achieving well-being. Self-esteem books and materials offer valuable information about the causes of low self-esteem and provide strategies to help you change your attitude and perspective.

If you would like to learn more and at the same time strengthen your self-confidence, we invite you to enjoy the following self-esteem materials and a complete section with free books and articles.

How to increase your self-esteem


Building Self-esteem - A Self-Help Guide

Charles G. Curie and Bernard S. Arons

Strategies To Build Healthy Self-Esteem (Article)

Dr. Kim Maertz

Stress Management Books

Stress is a normal physiological response of the body to demands and pressures. However, continued high levels of stress can have negative consequences on physical and mental health. 

Therefore, learning how to manage and control stress becomes a necessity. By applying self-help techniques, one can learn to manage stress more effectively and reduce its negative impact on health.

Among the most effective self-help techniques for stress management are meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and regular physical exercise. 

We invite you to review the following materials and if you would like more information we have a complete section of free books on stress at your disposal.

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress - An Illustrated Guide


Stress & Stress Management

Klinic Community Health Centre

Stress in the workplace


Mindfulness Books

Mindfulness is a meditation technique that has become very popular in recent years. It is based on the idea of being aware of the present moment and accepting emotions and thoughts without judgment. 

This technique has been integrated into self-help as an effective tool for improving mental and emotional health. Regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

It can also improve concentration and decision-making. Learn more with the following materials and our complete section of mindfulness books and articles.

Interpersonal Relationship Books

Self-help and interpersonal relationships are closely related, as the way we relate to others can have a major impact on our overall happiness and well-being.

These two areas are closely related, as our interpersonal relationships can influence our self-esteem, our emotions, and our ability to achieve our goals.

Our interpersonal relationships can be a source of support and motivation on our path to self-improvement and personal growth. Enjoy some more information with the following books and articles on interpersonal relationships.

Exploring healthy relationships

Splitz Support

Building Healthy Relationships

Saskatchewan Prevention Institute

Principles Of Interpersonal Relationship

Dr. O. O. Pitan

Investigate the relationship between assertiveness and personality characteristics

Laura K. Kirst

Training Program on Effective Communication

Andhra Pradesh

Social skills intervention group


Relationships Toolkit

YW Calgary

Developing effective communication skills in students

Shubhangi R. Khambayat

Conflict Resolution

Neil Katz & Kevin McNulty

Effective communication techniques


The Affiliative Role of Empathy in Everyday Interpersonal Interactions

Whitney R. Ringwald And Aidan G.C. Wright

Assertiveness - theoretical approaches and benefits of assertive behaviour

Ecaterina Postolati

Social Skills Training with Children and Young People - Theory, Evidence and Practice

Susan H. Spence

Using Social Stories To Teach Social Skills

Marguerite O’Hara

The role of empathy in interpersonal affect regulation in intimate relationships

Lorena Leuchtmann

Negotiations and Resolving Conflicts - An Overview

Professor E. Wertheim

Improving Interpersonal Relationship in Workplaces

Obakpolo Patricia

Motivation Books

Motivation is the driving force that leads a person to realize goals or objectives in his or her life. Those who are highly motivated have the energy, direction, and persistence to achieve their goals. 

Self-help books and materials play an important role in providing techniques, tools, and practical tips that lift and guide internal motivation.

Motivation is the main ingredient for action and change. If you want to work on your motivation here are some materials that may be useful to you, we also invite you to visit our complete section of free motivational books in PDF format.

Self-Motivation- Workbook


Strategies for Increasing Students’ Self-motivation

Sylvester J. O. Odanga

The Power of Motivation


Healthy Habits Books

Healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining good sleep hygiene are fundamental to improving physical and mental health. 

However, forming and maintaining these habits is not easy and requires motivation, willpower, and effective strategies. Self-discipline and personal growth achieved through self-help can make all the difference.

The information, techniques, and practical advice in healthy habits books and articles can propel you forward in your overall development and facilitate the formation of habits to improve your quality of life.

Exercise & Physical activity

National Institute on Aging

Your guide to healthy sleep


The habits of an improver

Bill Lucas with Hadjer Nacer

Healthy diet


Benefits of Exercise - Physical Activity


The Effects of Regular Exercise on the Physical Fitness

Ozlem Kirandi

A good night’s sleep

Kaiser Permanente

Time Management

Dr. K.V.S.Raju and Dr. T. Jagannadha Swamy

Books on Self-improvement

Self-improvement involves developing the skills and attitudes necessary to reach our maximum potential and live a full and satisfying life. 

This process requires constant personal growth, change, and evolution. Self-help plays a fundamental role in providing practical strategies and proven tools that accelerate personal growth.

We invite you to visit our complete section of free self-improvement books and articles in PDF format.

Self-help Books for Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotional disorder that affects a large number of people around the world. It is a condition that can manifest itself in a variety of ways and with varying degrees of intensity.

Self-help can offer several tools and techniques that can help people reduce the symptoms of anxiety and improve their overall emotional well-being.

Below you can enjoy some resources for anxiety management, and if you wish to expand your knowledge, we invite you to visit our complete section of free books and articles on anxiety.

What is Anxiety - A guide to help you cope

Adult Mental Health Team

Anxiety - Self-help Guide



University of Michigan

Books on Emotions

Self-help and emotions are closely related. Most self-help books focus on how to manage emotions to have a happier and more fulfilling life. 

By recognizing and understanding our emotions, we can take steps to improve our lives and achieve our goals.

By working on managing our emotions, we can improve the way we relate to others and develop a greater ability to handle stress and adversity. 

We hope you find these materials useful, and if you would like more information you can visit our collection of books and articles in PDF format on emotions.

Managing Strong Emotions - A guide to help you cope


Emotion Regulation - Managing Emotions


Living With Difficult Emotions


Books on Addictions

Addiction is a pattern of behavior that becomes compulsive and difficult to control, which can have negative consequences for health and well-being.

Self-help through books, programs, or therapy is an important tool for those seeking to overcome an addiction.

With the support and guidance of an expert, addicted individuals can develop effective strategies to deal with the distorted emotions and thoughts that lead to addictive behaviors.

Take advantage of these and more free books and articles on addictions to learn more.

Addictions and Recovery

Alan Boyd & Sharon Therien and Dr. Dina Macaluso

Self help guide for addiction

Mental Health Commission of Western Australia

Self-Help Approaches for Addictions

Clayton Neighbors, M. Christina Hove, Nicholas A. Nasrallah and Megan M. Jensen

Self-Help Books for Women

Self-help for women is a topic that has become increasingly relevant in recent years. As women look for ways to empower themselves and overcome the challenges of everyday life, self-help has become a powerful tool for achieving these goals. 

Self-help books for women can provide tips, strategies, and motivation to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

If you are interested in exploring the world of self-help for women, here are some free books and articles in PDF format.

Self-Care Manual for Women

Katie Boyle

Self-help - resource guide

Women and Girls Network

A Woman’s Guide to Building a Girl’s - Healthy Body Image and Self-Esteem


Empowering Women at Work


Empowerment of women

UN Women

Well, this was our collection of Self-Help Books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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