
5+ Books About Trust for Free! [PDF]

Have you ever tried working with people who distrusted each other? If not, you can imagine how challenging it can be. 

Whether on a group or individual level, trust is essential in any aspect of life, and what better way to train it than with our free books about trust?

Dalai Lama once said that gaining a person’s trust does not depend on money or power, but on concern for others, that is, on the empathy we feel for other human beings. 

The presence of trust in our lives helps to consolidate relationships of all kinds, allowing people to work and live together, which translates into greater security and a sense of belonging within any group. 

Trust represents emotional, mental, and physical security, and is an essential element for any of our personal relationships to move forward. 

If you want to learn more about this concept and all that it implies for our lives, access the more than 20 books about trust in PDF format that we have for you.

Books on Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a key skill for achieving success and happiness in life. It is about having a positive and self-confident attitude and believing in our abilities and skills to face life’s challenges.

It enables us to make important decisions, take risks and overcome our fears and limitations. It also helps us to maintain a positive and resilient attitude in the face of adversity and failure.

Self-confidence books are a valuable tool for those seeking to strengthen their self-esteem and develop a more positive view of themselves. Enjoy these books and articles for free.

A Confidence and Self-Esteem Self-Help Workbook for Young People in Secondary School

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Boosting Self-Confidence Around Others

Beth Williams, Kimberley Trump and Sali McDermot

A Simple Guide to Boosting Your Confidence - 20 Easy Tips to Increase Self-Esteem

Matt Landry

Self-confidence and personal motivation

Roland Bénabou and Jean Tirole

Building Confidence - Workbook


Self-esteem Self-esteem and Self-confidence (Article)

Student Health Service

Interpersonal Trust Books

Interpersonal trust is essential to establishing healthy and meaningful relationships with others. It is about having the ability to trust others and to be trustworthy, which allows us to build lasting and satisfying relationships.

Interpersonal trust also allows us to be more open and authentic in our relationships, which in turn helps us feel more connected and supported by others.

If you are looking to improve your relationships with others, we bring to you free interpersonal trust books and articles in PDF format.

The Science of Interpersonal Trust

Randy Borum

Six ways to rebuild trust... after a betrayal.

Barbara J. Peters

From Betrayal to Trust - 8 Steps to Heal Broken Trust

The Relation ship Centere

Rebuilding Trust (Article)

Laura M. Brotherson

Building trust in relationships (Article)

Hal Baumchen

Models of Interpersonal Trust Development - Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Evidence, and Future Directions

Roy J. Lewicki, Edward C. Tomlinson and Nicole Gillespie

The Effects of Interpersonal Trust on Work Group Performance

Kurt T. Dirks

The psychology of interpersonal trust - How people feel when it comes to trusting someone

Tiara Williams

How cognitive and affective trust in the leader is related to leader behaviors and effectiveness

Lena Jacoub

Rebuilding trust after times of crisis - A practical guide


Toward a Model of Interpersonal Trust Drawn from Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (Article)

Frank Krueger and Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg

The Role of Cognitive and Affective Trust in the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Article)

Prerna Chhetri

Books about Confidence at Work

Confidence at work is a key element to succeeding professionally. When you are confident in your skills, knowledge, and ability to do your job well, you become a valuable, productive, and competitive employee.

Books about confidence at work are a valuable tool for those seeking to improve their job performance and build effective relationships with their colleagues and superiors. 

Through these books and articles in PDF format, you can discover new ways of effective communication, conflict resolution, and positive leadership.

Self-confidence at work - understanding and developing the construct


Understanding the value and drivers of organisational trust


Confidence in Ability to Perform Successfully

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board

The Evolution of Trust in Business From Delivery to Values

World Economic Forum

The Business Value of Trust


Self-confidence at Workplace: Cognitive Agent Modeling and Analysis

Billel Arbaoui, Yusraw O-manee and others

The value of trust in project business

Hedley Smyth a, Magnus Gustafsson and Elena Ganskau

Building trust in the leader of virtual work teams

M. Guinalíu and P. Jordán

Close the trust gap to unlock business value and improve customer engagement


The Employees’ Self-Esteem: A comprehensive Review (Article)

Farooq Jan, Muhammad Riaz Khan and others

Well, this was our collection of books about Trust in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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