Since ancient times, the world has been a threatening place for human beings, and they have had to defend themselves against various threats in order to survive. Today, the story is not very different and, although the dangers we face are different, it is still necessary to defend ourselves to avoid risky situations, even for our lives. That is why we present to you our collection of self-defense books in PDF format.
The self-defense books will enlighten you on the techniques to defend yourself from different threats in the different circumstances that may arise. From a legal point of view, there is something called the right of self-defense, a legal way of dealing with the violation of one’s life or material belongings by applying proportional force to defend oneself from an aggressor, using the body or some kind of weapon.
Self-defense is defined as a method or set of techniques and skills to exercise defense and/or attack against aggressors in various circumstances. There are two types: generic and specialized. The first one involves and includes all the existing tools for the exercise of defense; the second one, contemplates various combat techniques, as well as the gender of the person who will practice the defense.
Self-defense can be learned and practiced by any person, without being an expert in any martial art. This person should always remain in a state of alertness, learn tactics, strategies and different defensive and offensive skills. Whenever possible, the use of violence should be avoided. Instead, distance and non-confrontational mechanisms should be established.
Check out our excellent collection of over 10 self-defense books in PDF format, ready to download. Remember that the books in our virtual library are in the public domain and we have put them together to facilitate your searches and research.
Here we present our complete selection of Self-defense books:
How to react to an assault – Self Defence techniques dedicated to women
KravMaga Women Project
Women's self-defense and sexual assault resistance: The state of the field
Jocelyn A. Hollander
10 Self-Defense Strategies Everyone Needs to Know to Survive (Article)
UC Washington Center
Here ends our selection of free Self-defense books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
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