
20+ Books about Adolescence for Free! [PDF]

Puberty is one of the stages of significant physical and emotional changes for the human being. We invite you to visit our collection of books about adolescence in PDF format.

Many transformations come with puberty: acne, the development of reproductive organs, the first menstruation, the awakening of sexuality, etc.

It is crucial for family members and teachers to learn to express themselves naturally with young people about these changes, as this way they will be able to accept this stage and solve their doubts. Books on adolescence include concepts, theories, and studies that represent excellent support for parents and children.

There is a vast number of titles that talk about adolescence. The approach can be broad, but it is permanently attached to everyday life and without too many complexities. This is to promote among parents and young people themselves an effective style of communication that allows them to solve any problematic situation in this period.

It doesn’t matter if you are a fan of reading about adolescence or just starting on this path to help your children or family members. In either case, we invite you to visit our collection of over 20 books that talk about adolescence in PDF format.

Here we present our complete selection of books about Adolescence:

The teen years explained

Clea McNeely, Jayne Blanchard

What Parents Need to Know about Teens

David A. Wolfe

Parenting Your Teen

Dr. Stan Kutcher, Mina Hashish, Emma Johnston

Helping Your Child through Early Adolescence

U.S. Department of Education

Developing Adolescents

American Psychological Association

Defining adolescence

Alexa C. Curtis

Parents Guide for Developing Responsible Teenagers

King's College

Adolescent development explained


A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Teenagers

Oxfordshire County Council

A parent’s guide to discipling teens


Teens can be resilient! A Parent’s Guide (Presentation)


Children & Young People’s Mental Health in the Digital Age


Reaching eaching the the agege of of adolescence


Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing Across the Life Course


Adolescent Growth and Development (Article)

Erin Morgan, Angela Huebner

Stages of Adolescent Development (Article)

Sedra Spano

What to Know About Teen Independence (Article)

UT Extension

Developmental Characteristics of Teens (Article)

Bradley T. Erford

Understanding adolescents who have experienced early adversity

Hilary Nobilo

Adolescent Depression (Article)

Erin Morgan, Angela Huebner

Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development (Article)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Here ends our selection of free books about Adolescence in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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