
20+ LGBT Books for Free! [PDF]

To expand our virtual library with more current topics, we have created a collection of LGBT books in PDF format. This is an absolutely current topic that we know will be well received by our reading community.

The struggles of social groups to eradicate behaviors that harm social coexistence will always have relevance in the issues of the community. That is why we hope that our LGBT books will be well received by the public.

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and is therefore the identity of the movement that fights for non-discrimination and social justice for minorities with sexual preferences different from heterosexuality.

Since June 28, 1969, Gay Pride has been celebrated every year in this month. On that day there was an event that marked the struggle for the rights of the LGBT community, a police raid on the Stonewall bar, which was very popular among homosexuals and where the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited.

The rebellion against this raid became a historic event, represented by the courage of these people who dared to raise their voices. Since then, LGBT has been synonymous with struggle, political activism and the conquest of fundamental rights such as the right to be treated with social and legal equality.

Another aspect that this movement aims to combat is the homophobic violence they have had to face for years just because of their sexual and/or gender choice. This is perhaps one of the consequences of discrimination that exposes the physical integrity and dignity of the LGBT community to great danger.

Discover more fundamental elements of this phenomenon that every day reaches more visibility in the global society by consulting our more than 20 LGBT books in PDF format. These titles are available for free download on your various electronic devices.

Here we present our complete selection of LGBT Books:

Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information & Resource Kit

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Professionally speaking: Challenges to Achieving Equality for LGBT People

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Europe

Judit Takács

The Pride Guide

National Park Service

Sport, Physical Activity & LGBT

Louise Englefield, Di Cunningham, Ali Mahoney

The Safe Space Kit: Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students

Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network

How Might Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage Affect Retirement Incomes and Federal Programs?

Karen E. Smith, Stephen Rose, Damir Cosic

The Thoughtful Voter’s Guide toSame-Sex Marriage

David Morris

More Than a Phase


Rainbow With a Cause

Fujikado Copacino

Living Free & Equal


LGBT in Britain - Home and Communities

Chaka L. Bachmann, Becca Gooch

Marriage and Family: LGBT Individuals and Same-Sex Couples

Gary J. Gates

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health services in the United States: Origins, evolution, and contemporary landscape

Alexander J. Martos, Patrick A. Wilson y Ilan H. Meye

The Intersectionality of Flags, Religion, and the Gay Pride Movement

Amy Langston

A Guide to LGBT Adoption

Adoption Center

Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Families in Foster Care and Adoption

Children’s Bureau

LGBTQ Parent Adoption (Article)

Rachel. H. Farr

Perspectives on Equity in LGBTQ Adoption (Article)

Rachel Albert

Why is same-sex marriage important? (Article)

Equality Network

Talking About LGBT People & Equality (Article)

Movement Advancement Project

LGBTQ + Pride Month (Article)

University of California, San Francisco

LGBT Pride Month - Timeline (Article)

UC Santa Cruz

Here ends our selection of free LGBT books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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