
15+ Books On Weight Loss for Free! [PDF]

Obesity is now considered a disease that affects a significant percentage of the world’s population. Therefore, we have compiled a series of books on weight loss in PDF format that can help you adopt healthy habits and thus achieve the goal of overcoming obesity.

Although it is not an easy process every time, in general, most people can lose weight with a healthy diet and frequent physical exercise. Our selection of weight loss books supports you in the process with reliable information.

Many people are eager to lose weight quickly, but it is proven that losing little weight, steadily, is more effective and sustainable over time. And as we mentioned before, it’s not about going on an intensive diet or program, it’s about adopting good habits that produce long-term changes.

Basically, to lose weight you have to expend more calories than you consume on a daily basis. For example, to lose one or two pounds a week, you need to cut between 500 and 1000 calories a day, since one pound equals 3500 calories. This requires commitment and discipline for anyone who wants to achieve the goal of losing weight.

When you lose a moderate amount of weight, you will begin to notice changes, especially in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose. Therefore, do not set yourself too demanding challenges, especially in the beginning. The body takes time to adapt to the changes and it is advisable to be responsible in this matter. It is better to focus on the path and not on the goal, so as not to create anxiety.

Learn how to reach your ideal weight with the help of our more than 15 books on weight loss in PDF format. We are sure you will find them useful for your purpose.

Here we present our complete selection of Books On Weight Loss:

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go A Pocket Guide

Advancing Heart Lung, Blood and Sleep Research

A Guide to Managing your Weight

Donal O'Shea

The 12 Week Shred Strength and Conditioning

Gordon Hunter

Losing Weight Getting Started - Week 1

NHS Self Assessment

30-Day Meal Plan and Weight Loss Guide

Bootcamp Noosa

30 Day Vegetarian Meal Plan

Living Spinal Mobility and Supplies for Paralysis

Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight Guide

Health and Social Services Government of Northwest

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

Kris Gunnars

A Meal Plan and Menu for the Woman on the GO

The Cancer Association of South Africa

The Biology of Weight Control

Amanda Sainsbury

Behavioral Strategies for Controlling Obesity

Donald A Williamson,Corby K Martin,Tiffany M Stewart

Weight Loss Guide (Presentation)

Cumbria Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation

Weight Management (Presentation)

The Royal Childrens Hospital

How to Lose a Pound-a-Week (Article)

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust

The Capital Strength (Article)

Capital Strength

Running for Weight Loss for Beginners (Article)

Fitness Chat

Simple Exercises to Encourage Weight Loss (Article)

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Juicing Fruits and Vegetables (Article)

David Finnessy

A Low Carb Diet Meal Plan and Menu That Can Save Your Life (Article)

Balance Womens Health

A Strategy for Weight Loss Based on Healthy Dietary Habits and Control of Emotional Response to Food (Article)

Yolanda Pontes Torrado

Here ends our selection of free Books On Weight Loss in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!

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